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How to make unused credits roll over to the next month offers a credit rollover mechanism in all premium plans, so you don't lose any value or potential leads.

Here's how to ensure you save your unused credits:

If you have a monthly plan:

Option 1: Keep auto-renewal mode enabled

Open Billing tab in your account settings and make sure that Automatic renewal is on. This will extend your plan at the end of the billing period and automatically transfer all unused credits from the previous month.

Option 2: Renew your plan manually

If you don't want to commit to automatic renewal, make sure to purchase any paid plan (either the same one or a different plan) before the end of your current billing period.

You can check your billing settings to see the Expires on date or track the Limit resets in timer, which shows how many days remain in the billing period.

Renewing your plan before it ends will allow you to carry over all unused credits to the next billing period.

If you have an annual plan:

Credit rollover also applies to annual plans – when you receive a quota of credits according to your plan each month, any unused credits from previous months carry over to the next month automatically.

Credit rollover for annual plans works within a single billing period (one year). You’ll keep all unused credits during the entire year from the purchase date. But, once your current annual plan ends, any remaining credits will expire.

For example, if you purchase on September 1, 2024, any unused credits will remain available until September 1, 2025. On September 2, 2025, they will expire, even if you renew the plan for the next year.

You can also track the billing period of your annual plan in your billing settings. See Expires on date.

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