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What are recipients and how to spend them

In this article, you’ll learn about the unique recipient quota and how you can use it to contact prospects in campaigns.

What is a unique recipients quota

Each plan includes a unique recipient quota, which determines the number of prospects you can engage with via email and LinkedIn automations during each billing period.

This quota resets at the end of every billing period when your plan is renewed.

Plan  Unique recipients quota
Trial 100 unique recipients
Starter 5,000 unique recipients
Pro 5K 10,000 unique recipients
Pro 20K 30,000 unique recipients
Pro 50K 50,000 unique recipients
Pro 100K 100,000 unique recipients

How to spend unique recipients

Here's how we calculate unique recipients when you engage with your prospects using

Tool Recipient cost
Multichannel campaigns

*available on all plans

We count a unique recipient when you contact a prospect from your list through email and/or LinkedIn campaigns.

This charge applies only to the initial engagement per billing period. Subsequent interactions are free.

All subsequent follow-ups in email campaigns and LinkedIn actions in new campaigns within the same billing period are free.

Sending a test email from campaign settings also counts as 1 unique recipient.

Prospect's profile

*available on all plans

We count a unique recipient when you send an email or LinkedIn message directly to an individual prospect via their profile.

This charge applies only for the first email you send to a prospect during one billing period.

All follow-ups (as well as other interactions in new campaigns) during the same billing period are free.

We count a unique recipient against your balance only after the first interaction with a prospect (email or LinkedIn action) during a billing period. You won't be charged for any follow-up emails or LinkedIn actions in new campaigns during the same billing period.

If you have a question that we haven't covered, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team. You can contact us at or through live chat. We're here to assist you!

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