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Campaign statuses

This article describes the different campaign statuses they can have in

Campaign status indicates its current state and gives you information about its performance and progress.


This status is assigned when you save your campaign to finish it later or exit the campaign editor without completing all the steps.

You can return to the drafted campaigns and complete setting them up. Click on the name of a campaign to edit and launch it.


Active status means that the campaign is currently ongoing and performing its sequence according to the set schedule. It also means that new recipients and steps can still be added to the campaign.

Active (On hold)

This status means that the campaign is in progress but is currently waiting for the sending window to open according to the specified campaign schedule.


The status means that the campaign has finished and can be applied either manually or automatically.

A completed campaign cannot be reactivated, and you cannot add new prospects to it. If you want to use the same sequence, you can create a duplicate version of the campaign and restart it for new recipients.


This status is assigned when you manually pause a campaign. Paused campaigns can only be reactivated manually.

To resume a paused campaign, change its status to Active. The campaign will then continue the sequence from where it was paused.

Automatically paused

This status indicates that has paused your campaign due to a high bounce rate, exceeding the threshold of 15%.

To reactivate your campaign, resolve the issue and request reactivation through customer care chat.

Learn how to fix bounce rate issue here.


When a campaign is set to start at a specific future date or time, it receives a Scheduled status once launched.

At the scheduled time, the campaign will begin and automatically change its status to Active.


Campaigns are automatically archived after a period of inactivity (no emails sent or no new recipients added). You can adjust the archiving time in the campaign settings. Archived campaigns store statistics from the time they were active and can be copied.

If you have a question that we haven't covered, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team. You can contact us at or through live chat. We're here to assist you!

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