We’re sorry to see you considering canceling your account, but we also understand if it's not a perfect fit for you or if you've accomplished your goal with Snov.io and no longer need us.
If you are experiencing any technical issues that make you want to cancel, we invite you to contact our Customer Care team via live chat so we can learn more about the issues you are experiencing and offer a solution if possible.
The information below is for monthly plan users. If you are on the annual plan, learn about cancellation conditions here.
To cancel your subscription, go to the Billing settings.
If Automatic renewal is On, click on the status icon to disable it. We’ll ask you to share the reason for canceling and give us any feedback you might have.
By providing a reason, you will help us understand how we can improve our services to meet your needs. Click Disable autorenewal to confirm cancellation.
If Automatic renewal is off, there’s nothing else you need to do to cancel your plan. It will expire at the end of the current billing period and there will be no future charges.
In teams, only a team leader has access to billing settings and cancellation.
If you are on a trial account, there’s no need to cancel it. There will be no charges unless you decide to upgrade to a paid account.
If you have a question that wasn't answered here, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care team. You can reach them at help@snov.io or through live chat.