In this article, you’ll learn how to perform an email search using a prospect's name and company website.
Wondering what's the fastest way you can find an email address of your prospect with their name and company domain?'s Email Search allows you to find email address of the particular person simply by entering their name and the domain of their company.
Moreover, email contacts are pre-verified and you can get in touch with them directly from the app after we find the relevant email address.
Take a look at how it works below:
Finding emails from a name
1) Open Email Search page
In the Find Leads side menu, click Email Search to open a search set-up page.
2) Find the email address
- First name: enter person's name.
- Last Name: enter person's surname.
- Company domain name: enter website address of the company they work for or own.
Alternatively, you can just type the company name and select the relevant one from the drop-down menu to auto-fill the web address.
Click the Find email button to start searching. The searching process may take some time to find and verify an email address.
The search result will appear in the email searches section below.
If the Email Search is able to find relevant email address that matches your request and confirm its validity through verification, a Valid status (green circle) will appear next to it.
Learn more about email statuses here.
Credit cost: It takes 1 credit from your quota for 1 email search.
Click +Add to list to save prospect to your list.
Emailing a prospect
After finding an email address, you can reach out to your prospect and send a message directly from the app to connect with them.
- Click Send email icon on the right.
Send email option will use your default email account as a From address.
Click downward arrow to open a drop-down list of your emails to select another From email.
- Compose your message in the email editor window
The email editor lets you create an email message that includes all the necessary components: subject line, email text, images, links, and attachments.
You’ll find basic text-formatting tools as you would expect in your regular text editor app: you can change the font style, font size, text color, align text, add bullet lis ts and emojis, etc.
Use the toolbar at the bottom to add the necessary email content and set email appearance to your liking.
To enable open and click tracking option, click the appropriate icons on the toolbar to turn them to green.
- Click the Send email button once you're ready to send the message.
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