Lucy Smith is a marketing copywriter at Her portfolio includes projects of different sizes and types, from fintech to ecology. In her free time, Lucy draws portraits and translates modern Ukrainian poetry into English.
Learn more about sales and email marketing automation. Discover how to get more leads with the & Pipedrive integration.
What types of leads exist? Explore each category with and learn how to close more deals with effective sales…
Check our detailed guide on sales mapping software for sales reps and marketing teams. Choose the right tool to boost…
Check the differences between LinkedIn account types in our detailed guide. Whether you're looking to enhance your career, boost sales,…
Seeking assistance with how to write a good LinkedIn summary? Explore our LinkedIn summary samples and start crafting compelling summaries…
Find out how to get someone’s email on Snapchat in a matter of seconds with the help of and…
In this guide, we’ll show you how to use ͏Gmail and some of the best email tools of 2024 to…
Think it's hard to create sales funnels? Let come to the aid with high-converting sales funnel templates.
Engage and build trust with your audience with this collection of free follow-up email templates for every occasion.
Want to be a perfect recruiter who can find superheroes for your company? Discover the best HR outreach strategies, tools,…