Email Finder Extension

Find verified emails of decision makers in seconds

4.9/5Rating at Chrome Web Store
400k+Extension users
EnvelopeEnvelope Big

Lead generation has never been simpler

Find emails from LinkedIn, Google, Yelp, X and company websites.
Always pre-verified.

Snov.io + LinkedIn =

Turn LinkedIn leads into revenue

Collect hundreds of LinkedIn leads with verified business email addresses in minutes. No more ignored messages — get LinkedIn lead's attention and boost replies via email.

Turn LinkedIn leads into revenue

Capture even more sales opportunities from Sales Navigator

Amplify prospecting from Sales Navigator with LinkedIn email finder extension: collect more leads that fit your ICP and convert them faster by diversifying your contact channels.

Capture even more sales opportunities from Sales Navigator

Build accurate, up-to-date lead databases

Create data-rich lead lists easier. Only verified emails and accurate data — everything you need to start contacting leads and turning them into paying customers.

Build accurate, up-to-date lead databases

B2B leads. In bulk. Anywhere.

Collect high-quality contacts from any website you visit

Build targeted leads lists of people that matter for your business simply by clicking Snov.io extension icon and saving their contacts.

Collect high-quality contacts from any website you visit

Find accurate contact emails

Looking for a specific contact? Find an email of just the person you need on their company website or blog.

Find accurate contact emails

Save hours by sourcing complete B2B databases

Capture lucrative B2B contacts in bulk from Google search results pages in just a few clicks.

Save hours by sourcing complete B2B databases

Get full company and lead profile data

Looking for a little bit more than just a contact email? Snov.io email finder extension collects useful data on businesses and leads to fuel your outreach strategy with better intelligence.

Get full company and lead profile data

Powerful separately,
game-changing together

Equip yourself with the most useful sales Chrome extensions ever made.

Email Finder

Collect verified contact emails from websites, Google, Yelp and X.


LI Prospect Finder

Find emails on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator individually and in bulk.
Get full company and lead profile dataGet full company and lead profile dataGet full company and lead profile dataGet full company and lead profile dataGet full company and lead profile data

Trusted by 175,000+ businesses in 180+ countries

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Google picture
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Payoneer picture
SendPulse picture
DocuSign picture
Zendesk picture
Freshworks picture
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Comcast picture

Discover more sales opportunities for your business

Explore new lead sources and boost prospecting
from sources that already work.

Discover more sales opportunities for your business

LI Prospect Finder

Transform how you work with LinkedIn

Struggling to convert LinkedIn leads?

Reach them easier and grow replies via a new direct channel - email.

Can't find accurate LinkedIn lead contacts?

Collect only pre-verified emails with guaranteed deliverability of 98%+.

Bulk prospecting solutions not working with LinkedIn?

Collect leads safely for your LinkedIn account, individually and in bulk.

Email Finder

Improve your lead generation strategy

Depleted old lead sources?

Diversify where you collect leads and find more prospects that fit your ICP in bulk.

Working with a narrow niche?

Grow your sales and revenue by building your own extensive database from simple Google, Yelp and X searches.

Struggling to reach decision makers?

Find accurate business emails on company websites and anywhere online to make the connection with just the employee you want.

representatives Growth Machine

"We can finally extract email addresses and associated data right from company websites and LinkedIn. Our team fills the funnel with new leads in just a few clicks."

Guilherme Lacerda and Thiago Rodriguesa, Growth Team Leader and PMO of Marketing

representatives Leadlytics

"With Snov.io we were able to generate 25,000 new emails every month. The conversion rate went up 32%, which speaks about the data quality Snov.io provides."

Nibil M S, VP of Operations at Leadlytics

representatives InStream

"Our team benefited from a better lead generation process from LinkedIn."

Marta Zabłocka, Marketing Manager at InStream Group

representatives Belkins

"Snov.io helped us collect more than 80,000 leads in a month, accelerating our search for emails while reducing the cost per lead."

Dmitry Chervonyi, CMO at Belkins

Frequently asked questions

Are these two extensions different?

Yes. LI Prospect Finder collects prospects with verified contact emails from LinkedIn. Email Finder can find emails from other online sources — on company websites, Google search results pages, Yelp and X. You can use them separately, but we recommend installing both to diversify your lead channels and boost fresh lead inflow.

How are Snov.io extensions for finding emails better than others?

Snov.io offers the latest technologies, algorithm adaptability and years of experience. This means you are always getting the best results possible and the freshest data available while other tools are going offline after each LinkedIn algorithm update or offer outdated sales intelligence that you simply can’t rely on.

Are Snov.io Email Finder and LI Prospect Finder extensions free?

Yes! Get 50 searches for free when you sign up. No credit card required.

How much will I pay per lead?

You get 50 free searches every month upon sign-up. If you need larger volumes, Snov.io plans start at $30 per 1,000 searches. With an average B2B lead cost varying between $40-$190 depending on the industry, you are looking at great cost-per-lead reduction with Snov.io.

Can I collect leads in bulk with these extensions?

Yes, you can! Bulk feature is available for all premium users on both LI Prospect Finder and Email Finder extensions.

How do I extract email addresses from LinkedIn?

Use Snov.io’s email finder for LinkedIn — LI Prospect Finder. This extension will collect verified email addresses of LinkedIn and Sales Navigator leads in seconds. Plus, you get 50 free searches just for signing up!

How can I extract emails from websites?

With Snov.io’s email extractor for Chrome — Email Finder. This Chrome extension can find emails on company websites, Google search results pages, Yelp and X. Give it a try with 50 free searches on us.

How do I extract an email address from Google?

Install Email Finder extension and go to the Google search results page you want to collect an email from. In just a few clicks Email Finder extension will help you perform a bulk domain search of the companies you googled, even helping you filter out the prospects that don’t fit your location or job position criteria.

How reliable is the collected email quality?

Emails collected with Email Finder and LI Prospect Finder extensions will be pre-verified. According to our latest tests, valid emails has shown a bounce rate of 1.72%, meaning you can achieve a 98%+ deliverability.

Does your LI Prospect Finder work with free and premium LinkedIn accounts?

Yes. Snov.io LI Prospect Finder can be used on free and premium LI accounts. It's the perfect LinkedIn email finder for B2B lead generation.

What data can I find with Snov.io Email Finder Extension?

Depending on where you conduct your search, you can find basic data like Name and Email address, or a full prospect’s profile. You can find and save the following data:

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Full name
  4. Prospect’s social profile
  5. Job position
  6. Locality
  7. Company name
  8. Company URL
  9. Company’s social profile
  10. Company size
  11. Company’s locality
  12. Country
  13. State
  14. City
  15. Industry

Can I export collected data for free?

All your collected data will always stay available for you for free. However, to export it in a file, you’ll need a premium account.

Do you integrate with CRMs, data enrichment tools and other sales apps?

Yes, Snov.io integrates with over 5,000 tools and apps for sales, including native Pipedrive and Calendly integrations.

I have more questions.

Our award-winning Customer Care is always here to help. Simply email us your questions at help@snov.io.

Generate leads in bulk
for a fraction of the price

Snov.io lets you reduce cost-per-lead and fill your sales funnel faster with no outside help.

50 free searches every month

2-minute set-up

No credit card required

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