Terms and Conditions

Effective October 17, 2024

Snov.io is a company incorporated under the laws of the United States of America whose registered address is at 220 East 23rd Street, #401, New York, NY 10010 USA.

These are the Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) of Use that apply between you and Snovio Inc, referred to as “Snov.io”, “Snovio”, “we”, “us” or “our”. By using Snov.io or registering an account, you are agreeing to these Terms, which will result in a legal agreement between you and Snov.io Inc. These Terms are intended to inform Users of the restrictions and obligations that have to be considered and respected when accessing Snov.io (the “Platform”).

All the definitions in the Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning as in the Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum(DPA).


These Terms and Conditions, together with the DPA, JCA, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, set out the Service upon which we, Snov.io make the Platform available to you.

By registering as a User of the Snov.io platform, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and that you have legal age or authority to bind yourself or the company. When you sign up for Snov.io's Prospecting as a Service, you agree to the creation of a User account and collection of information through the Platform on your behalf.

If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions you must immediately cancel your registration by deleting your account in the Account Settings and stop all use of the Snov.io Platform.

These Terms and Conditions apply to the Customer only and in absence of any written agreement between the Customer and Snov.io, will not be considered applicable to any subsidiary or holding of the Customer.

Before you proceed with reading the Terms you are kindly requested to read the list of Terms used in these Terms and their meaning:

Affiliate: Means an entity which directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a party to these Terms.
Client Data: Shall refer to the data of Data Subjects collected by the User for the purpose of lead generation marketing which is to be uploaded, traded, used, transferred, transmitted or communicated via the Platform.
Customer/User: The person or entity contracting with Snov.io under these Terms and Conditions.
Confidential Information: All information that is confidential, proprietary, or relates to Customers and Snov.io and is clearly labelled or conveyed as such, or information that would be regarded as confidential by a reasonable businessperson.
CRM: System that is the combination of tools that allows Customers to use, manage and analyze prospects interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle as different deals and is connected to other services on the Platform.
Documentation: means made available to the Customer by Snov.io via online means which describes the Service in accordance with these Terms.
Domain Health: the configuration of the domain records related to the domain
Email Warm-Up Service: the tool that can be used to facilitate the process of formation of a positive reputation of the Customer (their email address) by sending emails to other Customers who are also involved in our Email Warm-Up Service and automatically performing certain actions (extracting messages from ‘spam/junk’, opening messages, marking messages as important, etc.).
Email Finder: a tool that Customers can use to collect information about leads from third-party platforms, including but not limited to websites, social media, and search engines, under their instructions and add the collected information to their prospect lists on the Platform.
LI Prospect Finder: a tool that Customers can use to collect information about leads from social media platform under their instructions and add the collected information to their prospect lists on the Platform.
Unlimited Email Tracker: a tool that Customers can use to track emails (email opens, link clicks), review tracking reports, set reminders, and schedule email delivery.
Email AI: the feature provided by Snov.io and powered with OpenAI API that uses machine learning-trained data to write, edit the email text (including the email tone and language) and/or generate the email subject line according to the provided information.
Gamification: the process of engaging users and increasing their participation in using the Service by completing tasks and receiving rewards in the form of bonuses that can be used as discounts when purchasing plans, subject to the limitations set out in these Terms.
Instructions: The Process by which the Customer will be terminating the registration or subscription of the Service.
Service: The service provided by Snov.io to the Customer to enable the Customer to access and make use of the product and services in accordance with the Terms.
Third-party/ies: Independent service providers or Affiliates who have entered into a contract with Snov.io to assist it in providing a relative service to the Customer.
Your Snov.io Account

When you create an account on Snov.io, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, for all activities that occur under the account, and any other actions taken in connection with the account. You must immediately notify Snov.io of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breaches of security. Snov.io will not be liable for any acts or omissions by You, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.

Snov.io can delete previously uploaded data from the User's account in case of account abandonment (failure to renew any available subscription for 90 days). Failure to renew the subscription (fee-based or Trial Plan) within 90 days after the end of the last subscription purchased or acquired will lead to irreversible loss of previously uploaded data and is the responsibility of the User. Upon account abandonment, any rewards, bonuses, or discounts earned through Gamification will be canceled.

Free Trial Period

Snov.io, at its sole discretion, permits the User to select a “Trial” subscription/plan (“Trial Plan”) for the use of the Services free of charge on the terms and for a period established by Snov.io. The User can have access to such Snov.io Services as Snov.io determines from time to time. Snov.io reserves the right to change the scope of Services provided under Trial Plan at any time.

During the Trial Plan period, Snov.io reserves the right to terminate its Services at any time for any reason. A written notice shall be forwarded to the Customer.

User acknowledges and agrees that User’s subscription for the Trial Plan will terminate on the earlier of a) User subscribing to a fee-based plan, b) the termination of these Terms, or c) expiration of the Trial Plan. Snov.io reserves the right to permit the User to renew the Trial Plan on the same conditions after the expiration of the Trial Plan. To renew the Trial Plan period, the User must log into their account after the expiration of the plan and renew the Trial Plan in the account.

Please note, we do not allow multiple registrations of accounts (including cases where multiple individuals register separate accounts representing the same company) using Trial Plan, be it for commercial or personal use. If we notice multiple registrations, we reserve the right to terminate all involved accounts, old and new, at our own discretion.


When you create an account on Snov.io, your personal data is collected and processed for the purposes specified in our Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

You can provide us with your phone number during the registration process to be used for receiving marketing communications from us. You may opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by following the unsubscribe link provided in the first marketing communication you receive or via other available options, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

You are fully responsible for ensuring that the phone number and other data you provide is accurate and belongs to you. We are not responsible for any issues arising from the submission of incorrect or third-party phone numbers. If an incorrect phone number is provided, we cannot guarantee the accurate delivery of communications to you.

Any attempt to provide misleading information during the registration process, including but not limited to the submission of a fraudulent or unauthorized phone number, may be deemed an act of fraud. In such a case, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to terminate your account without prior notice.


Snov.io, at its sole discretion, can allow a user to participate in Gamification, namely, to complete tasks and earn rewards in the form of bonuses that can be used as discounts when purchasing fee-based plans.

Snov.io, at its sole discretion, may limit user access to Gamification by deciding whether a particular user or category of users can participate in Gamification and/or receive rewards in the form of bonuses and apply discounts obtained through Gamification (“Gamification discounts”) to purchase plans.

If you have access to Gamification, you can earn rewards in the form of bonuses based on the completed tasks, which are credited to the interim balance. If you want to apply the rewards as a discount on fee-based pricing plans, you must transfer the rewards to the bonus balance. The rewards will be debited from the bonus balance, and Gamification discounts will be applied when making the purchases. Gamification discounts cannot be used for purchasing a plan with the crypto token SNOV.

Gamification discounts can only be applied to cover up to 30% of the fees for fee-based pricing plans. Gamification discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts or bonuses. Gamification discounts cannot be refunded, exchanged, or converted into cash.

Snov.io reserves the right to make changes to the Gamification at any time, namely, to change the content of the tasks and their number, the rewards and their number, to give or deny access to the Gamification, as well as the ability to apply discounts, to individual users or categories of users, to change the discount limits for the purchase of plans, as well as to make any other changes at its sole discretion.

Payment and renewal of subscription
Purchase of a monthly subscription

By selecting a monthly subscription (plan), you agree to pay Snov.io the monthly subscription fees determined for the Services as further described in the “Fees and Taxes” section of these Terms. The subscription or purchase fee will be specified in your invoice. The subscription will renew automatically if plan renewal is enabled in your account settings. Depending on the selected payment processor, the plan renewal may be automatically enabled. Unless you disable plan renewal in your account settings before the start of the respective subscription period that you want to cancel, the subscription will renew automatically. You authorize our payment processors to collect the then-applicable monthly fee using any credit card or other payment mechanism they have on record for you for our Services.

When you purchase a monthly Snov.io plan, you are issued credits, recipients, and mailbox warm-ups according to your plan at the start of the billing period which lasts 30 days. If plan renewal is enabled or the plan is manually renewed before the end of the billing period, all unused within the billing period recipients (only in case of plan upgrade, i.e. purchase of a plan with a higher fee) and credits roll over to the next billing period. Otherwise, all unused credits and recipients are annulled and do not roll over to the next billing period. You can choose to manually disable plan renewal at any time in your account settings.

Purchase of an annual subscription

By selecting an annual subscription (plan), you agree to pay Snov.io the annual subscription fee determined for the Services as further described in the “Fees and Taxes” section of these Terms. The subscription or purchase fee will be specified in your invoice.

The automatic renewal of an annual subscription is applicable only to plans purchased after November 20, 2023. The subscription will renew automatically if plan renewal is enabled in your account settings. Depending on the selected payment processor, the plan renewal may be automatically enabled. Unless you disable plan renewal in your account settings before the start of the respective subscription period that you want to cancel, and if the automatic plan renewal payment is supported by the selected payment processor, the subscription will renew automatically. You authorize our payment processors to collect the then-applicable annual fee using any credit card or other payment mechanism they have on record for you for our Services.

When you purchase an annual plan, you are issued credits and recipients according to your plan at the start of the month (according to your billing date) for 12 consecutive months. All unused credits and recipients for the month are annulled after 30 days and do not roll over to the next month.


The number of credits accrued under the chosen plan and charged for using particular services and tools, depending on the specific case of using such

services or tools, is set in the "Pricing" section of the Snov.io website https://snov.io/ (“website”) and on a separate dedicated page on the website. Snov.io reserves the right to change the procedure for charging credits from time to time in accordance with the provisions specified in the "Changes" section of these Terms and Conditions.


To the extent permitted by the applicable law, monthly subscription fees and annual subscription fees are non-refundable. In this case, refund requests for annual and monthly subscriptions are not processed by Snov.io and answers for such requests are not provided. Yet we review each refund request and reserve the right to issue a refund should it be a double charge or a case we find eligible for a refund at our sole discretion. If we do issue a refund, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.


Snov.io reserves the right to change the scope of Services provided under the respective plan, including the procedure for charging credits and the fees for the purchase of subscriptions (plans), at any time.

Changes to the fees (increase/decrease) for the purchase of subscriptions (plans) shall apply to the purchase and renewal of all monthly and annual subscriptions from the moment such changes are implemented. Upon making changes to the subscription fee, Snov.io does not charge additional fees, refund any fees, or make discounts for the subscription period already paid before such changes were implemented.

Changes to the scope of the Services provided under the relevant plan, including the procedure for charging credits, shall apply to all monthly and annual subscriptions, both to already paid subscriptions and those that are purchased and renewed, from the moment such changes are implemented.

Fees and Taxes

The fees for the purchase of subscriptions (plans) set for in the “Pricing” section of the website (“Fees”) are in United States Dollars (USD). Snov.io reserves the right to allow the User to purchase a plan with the crypto token SNOV. As this fee depends on the SNOV token exchange rate (which is set manually), the fee of the chosen plan may change from those indicated on the website in USD.

The Fees are exclusive of any taxes, custom fees or tolls, levy, impost, withholding, fee, duty or other charge of any nature imposed by any governmental authority or other tax authority in any jurisdiction ("Taxes").

The final subscription fee for the Services is determined in the checkout window, is relevant to the User at the time of purchase and may differ from the Fees on the website as follows: a) can be reduced with all possible discounts, and/or b) be increased with Taxes.


The Customer can use our CRM from the moment of registration on the Platform .

Within the CRM, the Customer can create “deals” and “tasks”.

To create a deal, the Customer needs to fill in all mandatory fields (responsible person, value, prospect email). The Customer can also add other custom fields.

To create a task, the Customer needs to fill in the following information: title, time period, description, responsible person and respective deal.

You can synchronize your Google Calendar (via Calendar API) with CRM to exchange information about your activities and events between Google Calendar and Snovio CRM. If you do so, you can choose between two-way synchronization (your Snovio tasks will be transferred to Google Calendar, while your activities in Google Calendar will be transferred to CRM) and one-way synchronization (your Snovio tasks will be transferred to Google Calendar, while only edits to Snovio tasks in Google Calendar will be transferred to CRM). Please, read Google's privacy policies to know how Google uses your personal data.

The User (a team lead in this case) may grant access to their CRM to other Snov.io Users as teammates.

Using the CRM, a team lead can:

create, manage and delete sales pipelines;
create, manage and delete deals, tasks, including the ones created by teammate;
add and delete teammates;
close deals by assigning a “Lost” or “Won” status to them.

Using the CRM, teammate can:

create, manage and delete deals and tasks;
close deals created by them, namely to assign them the status Lost or Won.

In case a teammate is excluded all the deals and tasks created by this teammate will stay at teeamlead’s CRM. In the event a teammate organizes their own CRM within the Platform all the deals and tasks created by this teammate before the moment he\she were added to teamlead’s CRM, will be moved to his/her CRM.

All information contained in the CRM is available to Platform administrators to view in an anonymized format, without the ability to change, add or delete any information.

By granting access to the CRM to teammates, team lead is aware that teammates are accessing his/her confidential information, which may be contained in the CRM.

The team lead guarantees that they will have no claims against Snov.io in the event that team lead discloses information from the teamlead’s CRM.

Domain Health

The Customer can add email accounts in their account on the Platform that can be used in Drip Campaigns and Email Warm-Up. If an email was added in the “Email Accounts” settings in your account, we assess the Domain Health of the email that was added by the Customer.

To assess the Domain Health of a particular domain of email on a continuous basis, at least once a week we send automated emails with no content from added emails in order to provide you with a better service.

You are provided with the results of the Domain Health assessment related to the domain of a particular email you added in the “Email Accounts” settings in your account.

When you access the results of the Domain Health assessment, we may provide you with a score (percentage) of the level of your Domain Health and other findings following the Domain Health assessment. We also may provide certain recommendations on how you can achieve a higher score and/or what aspects of assessment can be improved.

We are not and shall not be responsible for any of your actions made in response to the results of the domain health assessment, the impact on your business activities, commercial outcomes, domain, and any consequences related to your engagement with the domain health functionality on the Platform.

Email Warm-Up

The Customer can use our Email Warm-Up Service from the moment of registration on the Platform.

In order to receive Email Warm-Up Services Customer shall create a Warm-Up campaign which includes the following steps:

  1. Click the “Add email to warm-up” button using the functionality available on the Platform.
  2. Choose warm-up settings. For this purpose you should:
    • choose an email account(s) for your Warm-Up Campaign,
    • choose a reply rate (in percent) for your Warm-Up Campaign which means what percentage of outgoing messages will be answered,
    • choose campaign deadline, and
    • choose a schedule for sending ‘warm-up’ messages (optional).
  3. Choose Strategy Type from options available on the Platform.
  4. Choose email content that will be subject to ‘warm-up’.

Upon successful creation of your warm-up campaign, you can review the details of your warm-up campaigns in a list that includes the type and name of email account(s) added to your Warm-Up Campaign, campaign status, warm-up strategy, number of emails sent today, reply rate, campaign start and end date, deliverability of Warm-Up Campaign. You also can edit or delete your Warm-Up Campaign using the functionality available on the Platform.

You are also provided with Account Statistics (Dashboards) where you can review the information on the process and progress of your warm-up campaign on a daily basis (i.e. number of scheduled and sent emails, number of emails in spam/junk, and number of replies, etc., and deliverability rate based on selected time period and provider).

You hereby allow us to perform certain actions with your email account as part of your Warm-Up Campaigns such as connecting to your email account via OAuth, IMAP, SMTP, or any other authentication method, reviewing emails and settings of your account, sending emails on your behalf, accessing the list of folders and creating new folders, accessing the list of emails, including ‘inbox’, ‘spam/junk’, and any other categories of emails or folders, and information (with all text information, attaches and images) in your emails, moving emails between folders, removing emails from ‘spam/junk’ section; marking emails as ‘read’, ‘important’ and ‘star/flag’ in your email account added to your Warm-Up Campaign.

When you access our Email Warm-up Service we may provide you with some recommendations on how to make your Warm-Up Campaign more successful, however, these recommendations are based on our experience and cannot constitute an obligation to act in a certain way. Please note that each case is unique and needs its own set of settings. You solely and independently choose the settings and details of your Warm-Up Campaign, and you must comply with your applicable laws and regulations.

We are not and shall not be responsible for any of your choices of Warm-Up Campaign settings, the impact of the Email Warm-Up services on your success in business activities and commercial outcomes, actions or inactions of you or any third parties who have access to your emails in your email account(s) added to your Warm-Up Campaign and any consequences related to your use of Email Warm-Up Service.

Unlimited Email Tracker

The Customer can use our Unlimited Email Tracker Service from the moment of installing the Unlimited Email Tracker extension available in the Chrome Web Store and activating the extension in the Gmail account. In order to access the full functionality of Unlimited Email Tracker, it is required to be registered on the Platform.

Upon successful installation and configure the Unlimited Email Tracker extension, you will be able to use the following features, including but not limited to tracking of email opens, link tracking, Send Later feature (schedule emails for the desired time), follow-up reminders based on recipient behavior, daily and weekly email tracking reports, multiple Gmail accounts tracking, live push notifications upon opening an email or clicking a link.

You can review a detailed opens and clicks history via a panel on a selected email or chain of emails where you can see a specific time the email was opened or a link was clicked. You also may subscribe to regular summary reports on your email opens and clicks in Unlimited Email Tracker in your account in the Platform.

You hereby allow us to perform specific actions with your email account as part of your use of our Unlimited Email Tracker Service, such as connecting to your Gmail account, sending scheduled emails, marking emails with ‘Unopened’, ‘Opens’, ‘Clicks’ tags in your Gmail account, and accessing the list of emails and information about a particular email, such as message ID, subject, sender, and recipient of an email.

You solely and independently choose the settings of our Unlimited Email Tracker Service, and you must comply with laws and regulations applicable to you. You are forbidden to distribute unsolicited commercial emails, unsolicited bulk, spam emails, or perform any other kind of email fraud via our Unlimited Email Tracker extension.

In case you send unsolicited commercial emails, unsolicited bulk, spam emails, or perform any other kind of email fraud via our Unlimited Email Tracker Service, we may cancel your access to the Unlimited Email Tracker Service and terminate your account on our Platform, at our sole consideration, at any time, with or without notice to you.

Email AI

The Email AI feature is available only to clients with the fee-based pricing plans (not for the Trial plan). It is powered with OpenAI API to provide the writing and editing of the email text (including the email tone and language) and/or generate the email subject line according to the provided information.

Be aware when using the Email AI feature, you may provide the input and receive the output generated and returned by the Email AI based on the input (collectively "Content").

Email AI feature is provided "as is" without express or implied warranties. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, availability or performance of the Email AI feature or any Content or information obtained through its use.

You are solely responsible for the creation, development, content, operation, maintenance, use, dissemination, and reviewing the Content, including generated text and/or subject line, and ensuring that your access to and use of the Email AI feature and your Content will not violate any applicable law or regulation, these Terms and Conditions or any other Snovio's agreements and policies, and infringe upon, violate, or misappropriate any of Snovio’s rights or the rights of any third party.

We are not and shall not be responsible for any of your Content created and/or messages sent when using the Email AI feature, the impact of the Email AI feature on your success in business activities and commercial outcomes, actions or inactions of you or any third parties and any consequences related to your use of the Email AI feature.

Please note the use of the Email AI feature is subject to fair usage restrictions. Access to the Email AI feature can be reduced depending on usage and the number of tokens used to ensure optimal performance and fair use across all clients.

We may retain the information you provide us with when you use the Email AI feature (“Email AI data”) for a limited period of time for the purpose of improving the performance of the Email AI feature. Your information can be also stored by OpenAI for abuse and monitoring purposes. You can read more about using Email AI data and respective storage periods established by OpenAI and us in the 'Email AI (Integration with OpenAI API)' subsection of our Privacy Policy.

We highly recommend reviewing the documents implemented by OpenAI before using the Email AI feature. You may read OpenAI Sharing & publication policy, OpenAI API data usage policies, Open AI Usage policies, and other terms and policies available on Open AI website.

Snov.io Extensions

The Company offers extensions as part of the service, namely the Email Finder and LI Prospect Finder. By utilizing these extensions, you acknowledge and agree to comply with all provisions outlined herein, ensuring responsible and lawful use of the provided tools.

Email Finder

You can use our Email Finder Extension from the moment you install the Email Finder Extension available in the Chrome Web Store. In order to access the full functionality of Email Finder Extension, it is required to be registered on the Platform.

Upon successful installation and setting of the Email Finder Extension, you will be able to collect information about leads for your prospect lists on the Platform. The extension collects information about leads for your prospect lists on the Platform under your instructions.

The information collected through the Email Finder Extension shall be used according to the Privacy Policy, Terms, and other applicable Snovio documentation. You agree to use the Email Finder Extension lawfully and ethically and will not use it for any purpose prohibited under these Terms and applicable laws and regulations.

You are solely responsible for choosing the settings of the Email Finder Extension and for complying with all applicable laws and regulations. When installing the extension, you understand and agree that the Email Finder Extension works under your instructions and at your own risk. You acknowledge that the third-party platforms may establish limits for specific activities on the platforms and accept that the Company is not and shall not be liable for blocks or any other restrictions of your accounts from the third-party platform side.

The Company is not responsible for any dispute arising from the relationship between you and the third-party platform regarding your use of the extension and compliance with the third-party platform's terms and conditions.

You acknowledge that if the extension is not available to download via Chrome Web Store, temporarily or permanently, or if there are problems, including but not limited to the download, installation, or activation of the extension on your end, for any reason, the Company will not have any liability whatsoever and will not have the legal or commercial obligation to refund any paid fees made by you in connection with the services.

The Company reserves the right to terminate your access to the extension at any time for any reason, with or without prior notice.

LI Prospect Finder Extension

You can use our LI Prospect Finder Extension from the moment you install the LI Prospect Finder Extension available on the respective page of the website or the Chrome Web Store. In order to access the full functionality of the LI Prospect Finder Extension, it is required to be registered on the Platform.

Upon successful installation and setting of the LI Prospect Finder Extension, you will be able to collect information about leads for your prospect lists on the Platform. The extension collects information about leads for your prospect lists on the Platform under your instructions and collects information about your utilization of the extension and your activity after installation and activation.

By installing and using the LI Prospect Finder Extension, you acknowledge and grant the Company permission to collect and store information about the profiles you visit on social media platform and the content of such profiles, which may include publicly available personal data. The collected personal data may be subsequently used by us and our Customers in the provision of our other services as described in our Privacy Policy.

The information collected through the LI Prospect Finder Extension shall be used according to the Privacy Policy, Terms, and other applicable Snovio documentation. You agree to use the LI Prospect Finder Extension lawfully and ethically and will not use it for any purpose prohibited under these Terms and applicable laws and regulations.

You are solely responsible for choosing the settings of the LI Prospect Finder Extension and for complying with all applicable laws and regulations. When installing the extension, you understand and agree that the LI Prospect Finder Extension is not the extension of social media and works separately from social media under your instructions and at your own risk. You acknowledge that social media may establish a limit for specific activities on social media platform and accept that the Company is not and shall not be liable for blocks or any other restrictions of your social media account from the social media side.

The Company is not responsible for any dispute arising from the relationship between you and social media regarding your use of the extension and compliance with social media’s terms and conditions.

You acknowledge that if the extension is not available to download from the respective page of the website or the Chrome Web Store, temporarily or permanently, or if there are problems, including but not limited to the download, installation, or activation of the extension on your end, for any reason, the Company will not have any liability whatsoever and will not have the legal or commercial obligation to refund any paid fees made by you in connection with the services.

The Company reserves the right to terminate your access to the extension at any time for any reason, with or without prior notice.

Snov.io Obligations

Snov.io shall endeavour to provide its Service in accordance with these Terms and other documentation while ensuring reasonable care and skill. However, this clause shall not apply in relation to non-conformity by any authorised third-party service provider for any alteration or modification of their service. Should the Service being provided fail to achieve our standards due to third-party non-conformity we shall endeavour to provide our Customer with an alternative means to achieve the desired performance as such is achievable within industry means.

These Terms will not prevent Snov.io from entering into any similar agreements with third-parties, or from independently developing, using, selling or licensing documentation, products and/or services which are similar to those provided under these Terms.

Snov.io Fair Usage Policy

Committing to ensuring equitable and optimal utilization of the Snov.io platform, we enforce a succinct Fair Usage Policy. Users are obliged to sustain email usage within pragmatic boundaries. Snov.io explicitly reserves the right to implement service limitations, and, where user activities violate this policy, to enforce remedial actions, which may include account monitoring, restriction, or termination, without the issuance of a prorated refund or assumption of any liability. Users should note that Snov.io may revise this policy at any juncture; continued platform usage post-alteration indicates acceptance of any new terms.

Users of the Snov.io platform must manage and limit their email account activities to maintain a reasonable volume, for which they hold sole responsibility. Furthermore, Snov.io may exclude an account from its email 'warm-up' or sending service if it jeopardizes the performance of other linked accounts. The right to impose limitations on your plan, including email warm-ups and connected email accounts, resides entirely with Snov.io, per the fair use policy, unless an alternative limit is specified in a separate agreement.

Snov.io commits to accommodating all rational user requests. Both parties agree to uphold mutual respect and abstain from making derogatory comments about each other, as well as from demeaning each other's businesses from the inception of this Agreement and beyond. Neither party shall demean the other, whether directly or indirectly, through any communicative form.

Violating the above-stated terms and conditions may result in immediate expulsion from the Snov.io platform. This termination would occur without any prorated refund and exempt the service provider from any liability.

Code of Conduct

The User acknowledges and agrees that:

the User is responsible for his or her published content’s compliance with the requirements of the current law of the (1) USA, including without limitation CAN-SPAM Act, (2) the hosting country of the site, and (3) the country(-ies) where the potential end users or recipients of the emails may reside. The User is also responsible for third parties if the User’s publication of any content violates the right and legitimate interests of third parties, including the personal copyright intangible and tangible rights and other intellectual rights of third parties, and/or encroaches on their property;
the Snov.io is not required to review any type of content that is published and/or distributed through the Service;
Snov.io has the right (but not the obligation) to deny, at its discretion, the User’s ability to post and/or distribute the content made available through the Service;
he or she must solely evaluate all risks associated with the use of content, including an evaluation of the reliability, completeness, or usefulness of this content;
the technology responsible for the Service’s operation may require copying (reproducing) User content, and/or require the Snov.io to reformulate such content to meet the technical requirements of an Internet resource and/or its functions; such use of content shall not be considered a violation of intellectual property rights;
he or she is solely liable to third parties for his or her actions related to the use of the Service, including when such actions result in a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as for compliance with current law when using the Service;
it is prohibited to publish and/or distribute content that:
is illegal, malicious, and/or slanderous;
constitute unsolicited commercial email or unsolicited bulk or spam email;
offends morality or exploits influence resulting from fear or superstition;
exploits the trust of a party and his or her lack of experience or knowledge;
demonstrates (or promotes) violence and cruelty, criminal and/or terrorist actions, disfigured bodies, injuries, death, diseases, inaesthetic and disgusting images;
violates intellectual property rights;
promotes hatred and/or discrimination against people by race, ethnic, sexual orientation, religious, social views and beliefs, eye color, age, property status, national or social origin, etc.;
contains insults to any person or organization, denigrates, denounces or derides another person, his or her activity, name (company), goods or services, trademarks;
uses the name, surname, company name, or another identification mark (including trademark) of another entrepreneur without the consent of such entrepreneur;
contains elements (or promotes) pornography, child erotica, adult content in content for family viewing, or advertises marriage services;
may lead to the exploitation or poses a threat to minors;
advertises high-risk investments or impossible ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes;
promotes illegal activities;
advertises torrents and P2P file-sharing;
explains the procedure for manufacturing, consuming, or otherwise using narcotic substances or their analogs, as well as explosives or other weapons;
advertises prescription or digital narcotic drugs, online pharmacies;
contains malware, phishing, or spam;
misleads or contains inaccurate or deceptive information, false promises or fraud;
offers products or services that predict the future;
contains opinions and positions (endorsements) of celebrities without their consent, and/or depicts, uses, or otherwise mentions any individual (as a private person or as an official) or his or her property without the consent of such individual;
contains obscenities (including “F-words”) and/or hate speech;
advertises counterfeit goods or hazardous goods and services (which may be harmful to health and/or cause content or other damage);
creates a fake sense of urgency in the text or image that calls the visitor to action;
contains fake consumer reviews and/or their imitation;
misleads the end users (for example, who claim or promise that the visitor to the website has become or will become the winner of a campaign, drawing, etc.), imitates the interface of any applications, system notifications, software, etc. (including buttons, such as, “close”, “download”), which may mislead the end user;
advertises sites that force a visitor to fraudulently pay for any services and/or Internet resources that pursue the goal of receiving prepaid SMS messages from visitors (MT subscriptions), as well as websites that contain malicious software or whose purpose is to deceive visitors (for example, offer file downloads, browser updates, pseudo-antivirus programs, “prizes” from known Internet resources and other fake websites);
advertises content for misinformation or fake information, including, but not limited to misinformation or fake information regarding COVID-19.
Company may reconsider abovementioned prohibitions on a case-by-case basis subject to User’s request and only if there are no express prohibitions by a competent government agency and all legally established conditions are met.
Snov.io reserves the right to deny, at its discretion, the User to publish and/or distribute the content and/or delete such content available through the Service without providing any justification.

You are required and have to follow these rules:

Respect our rights and the rights of a third party, other Users and/or clients relating to their intellectual and industrial property, described in the legal conditions set by Snov.io. Have proper authorization when posting images or content of a third party or from minors. Do not extract the content published on Snov.io, such as images of a third party, content or material, as well as market research and competition analysis, and publish or disseminate it on other platforms or public portals. Be responsible for the damages caused to a third-party for the infringement of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights and hold Snov.io harmless at all times. Comply with each of the standards and procedures set forth herein, in the Cookie Policy, and in the general Terms and Conditions.

Behaviour that won’t be tolerated:

It is important that the User is aware that certain behaviours can cause damage to a third party and/or directly to Snov.io. Herein, you agree to not carry out such behaviour on Snov.io. It is forbidden to: Use Snov.io for purposes related to child pornography, child abuse, and maltreatment affecting children, their families and/or a third party; Use disrespectful language, content and graphics which affect the rights of our other clients/Users and/or a third party; Use material that infringes or affects the intellectual or industrial property rights of our other clients/Users and/or of a third party, (trademarks, trade names, slogans, pictures or content, etc). In this regard, you cannot publish any material belonging to a third party that is registered as their intellectual or industrial property, without the rightful authorisation of the owner or use it only after ensuring that when used you have the corresponding license to do so.

Snov.io reserves the right without liability or prejudice, to cancel or disable the Customer’s and/or User’s access to the Service if we reasonably believe that there is or might be a breach in relation to this clause.

It is forbidden to distribute:

Any material (through email, web space or in any other manner) that threatens and/or encourages performing bodily harm or destruction of property or a person; any content considered adult or pornographic, such as explicit sex scenes, nudity, etc.; any material that harasses another User and/or a third party.

It is not allowed to:

Insert messages or advertisements without complying with the legal requirements, and/or distribute messages that are considered to be spam and/or carry out spamming behaviours (sending spam or unsolicited messages); collect, or attempt to collect, personal information of a third party without their knowledge or consent and/or without compliance with the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection.

Using the services of Snov.io to access or attempt to access the accounts of other Users, penetrate, or attempt to penetrate Snov.io security measures, its software or the hardware of another entity, and the electronic communication systems or telecommunication system is forbidden.

It is forbidden to:

Perform activities that affect the ability of other people or systems, including “denial of services” (DOS) attacks against another network host or individual user; perform deceptive activities that cause the person being affected by them to act on or from them, ultimately leading to injury; take advantage of this platform to propagate hate speech and/or prejudice against minorities, justifying the crimes and/or violations of human rights; extract information, and decompile or process the information obtained from our reports to resell or gain a profit from it; use our information or newsletters content to resell, to cede to third parties, or to use with any commercial purpose, without our consent.

Any fraudulent, imposturous, or deceitful emails (email scam) are not tolerated. Accounts found to be sending such emails will immediately be suspended.

It is expressly stated that the use of market research or of the reports obtained through our services, is to analyse the viability of a business and/or project, as well as to assess the interest of investing in it, and not be able to take contrary action against the provisions herein stated.

We reserve the right to suspend accounts at our own discretion without warning or explanation.


As a User, you give Snov.io a perpetual world-wide license to use your company's logos, unless Snov.io agrees in writing otherwise. These logos will be used for marketing and sales efforts only, such as being displayed on the homepage.

Copyright Infringement

As Snov.io asks others to respect its intellectual property rights, it respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that content located on or linked to by Snov.io violates your copyright, you are encouraged to notify Snov.io. Snov.io will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. Snov.io will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the Services if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Snov.io or others. In the case of such termination, Snov.io will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid to Snov.io to the terminated User.

Intellectual Property

These Terms do not transfer from Snov.io to you or any third-party intellectual property, and all right, title and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Snov.io. Snov.io, its logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with Snov.io, or the Services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Snov.io or Snov.io licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the Services may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Services grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Snov.io or third-party trademarks.


The Services are provided “as is”. Snov.io and its suppliers and licensors hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Neither Snov.io, nor its suppliers and licensors, make any warranty that the Services will be error free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, the Services at your own discretion and risk.

We are not to be held responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or any other loss or damage resulting from transfer of data over communication networks and facilities, including the internet, and the Customer acknowledges that the Services and documentation may be subject to limitations, delays and other problems inherent in the use of such communication facilities.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Snov.io, its directors, contractors, officers, agents, licensors, and their respective directors, officers, contractors and agents from and against any loss, liability, claim, damages or expense (including the reasonable cost of investigating or defending any alleged loss, liability, claim, damages, or expense and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in connection therewith) arising from the client’s, user’s or any of their directors’, contractors’, officers’, agents’ or Affiliate’s violation of any of the provisions of the Terms or applicable laws, including without limitation:

collection and provision of the Client’s Data to Snovio without having a proper legal basis for such actions;
evasion of notifying the Data Subject regarding the collection, storage, transfer or any other type of processing of his/her Client’s Data;
sending the unsolicited commercial email or unsolicited bulk or spam emails;
non-compliance with or disregarding the Snovio’s or third-party’s request regarding the ceasing of illicit, harmful, unlawful or other actions or omissions which may result in violation of the person’s rights or interests;
use of the generated third-parties’ contact information in prohibited, harmful, or unlawful way, e.g., for selling or trading the personal data of third parties, scamming, deceptive or any other kind of fraudulent activity etc.;
any other violation of the provisions of the Code of Conduct section incorporated herein;
any other violation of any of the provisions of the Terms or applicable laws.

You agree to notify Snovio promptly of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against You or any of Your directors, contractors, officers, agents or Affiliates in connection with the performance or violation of the provisions of this Terms or other Snovio’s policies which You are a part to.

In no case the indemnity of Yours in favor of Snovio or any person indemnified is not deemed to protect Snovio or any person against any liability to You to which Snovio or any indemnified person would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its duties or by reason of its reckless disregard of its obligations and duties hereunder.


Notwithstanding any other provisions specified in these Terms, in no event shall we and/or any of our Affiliates, directors, officers, contractors or agents be liable to any other person or entity with respect to any subject matter of these Terms, under any equity, common law, tort, contract, estoppel, negligence, strict liability or other theory, for any incidental, special, indirect, punitive or consequential damage, lost profits or lost savings, loss of goodwill, data or any other types of damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, regardless the fact whether Snovio has been advised or is aware of the possibility of such damage, arising from or in connection with the:

processing of the Client’s Data under the request of the User or Users;
conscious or unconscious unauthorised use of Client Data by the User;
sending the unsolicited commercial email or unsolicited bulk or spam emails by Users;
non-compliance with or disregarding the Snovio’s or third-party’s request regarding the ceasing of illicit, harmful, unlawful or other actions or omissions which may result in violation of the person’s rights or interests;
use of the generated third-parties’ contact information in prohibited, harmful, or unlawful way, e.g., for selling or trading the personal data of third parties, scamming, deceptive or any other kind of fraudulent activity etc.;
violation of any of the provisions of the Terms or applicable laws.

Data Subjects whose data is controlled by the User are bound by the terms and conditions of the User. In any case, the aggregate and cumulative liability of Snovio, its Affiliates, directors, officers, contractors and agents under these Terms shall not exceed 100 (one hundred) USD. The limitations set forth herein shall only apply to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law.


Snov.io will endeavour to provide its Service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except when:

there is scheduled maintenance which will take place between 7:00am and 5:00pm US Eastern time;
unintended maintenance is performed outside normal business hours, provided that Snov.io will endeavour to have the maintenance carried out with the least disruption possible and where possible also give the Customer at least 4 hours’ notice in advance.

While Snov.io and the Customer have access to Confidential information under these Terms, Confidential information does not include information that:

a. Is or becomes publicly known through no act or omission of the receiving party; and

b. Was in the other party’s lawful possession prior to the disclosure; or

c. Is lawfully disclosed to the receiving party; or

d. Is independently developed by the receiving party, which independent development can be shown by written evidence; or

e. Is required to be disclosed by law, by any court of competent jurisdiction or by any regulatory or administrative body.

Each User must keep a secure password for their use of the Service, which must be kept confidential at all times.

Each party agrees to take all reasonable steps to ensure that any Confidential Information obtained from the other party in the course of the relationship will be kept Confidential. Each party, its employees or agents will not disclose or distribute any Confidential Information in violation of the Terms.

This clause will survive termination of these Terms for any reason.

Term and Termination

These Terms shall become effective on the date the Customer registers as User of Snov.io’s Platform. Unless the registration is terminated earlier according to these Terms, these Terms shall continue for the duration of the subscription of the Customer with Snov.io. Provided that either party may terminate this agreement by giving the other party notice in writing of not less than 30 days from delivery of such notice specifying the date of such termination. Termination Instructions may be followed through the following link: How to delete your Snov.io account.

Either party may terminate this agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party in the event that the other party fails to pay the subscription due under these Terms on the due date for payment; or the other party commits a material breach of any term of this agreement which breach is irremediable or if such breach is remediable, the party fails to remedy the breach within 14 days after the notification in writing.

Effects of Termination

Upon termination or expiry of this agreement for any reason, all licence rights granted to use the Service will terminate immediately. No fees will be refunded, and all Customer data held on account retained by Snov.io will be disabled, deleted where possible or archived to adhere with legal obligations.

All rights, obligations or liabilities accrued by the parties up to the date of termination, including rights to damages in respect to breach of agreement will not be affected or prejudiced. Moreover, all those Terms that come into effect or remain in effect as stated in these Terms will remain in full force and effect.

Force Majeure

Neither party shall be in breach of these Terms and liable for any costs or damages due for delay in performing, or failure to perform, its obligations under these Terms arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God; earthquakes; fires; floods; wars; civil or military disturbances; acts of terrorism; sabotage; strikes; epidemics; riots; power failures; computer failure and any such circumstances beyond its reasonable control as may cause interruption, loss or malfunction of utility, transportation, computer (hardware or software) or telephone communication service; accidents; labour disputes; acts of civil or military authority; governmental actions; or inability to obtain labour, material, equipment or transportation; provided, however, that in the event of a failure or delay, both parties shall use their best efforts to ameliorate the effects of any such failure or delay.

No other Terms

There are no conditions, warranties, representations or other agreements between the parties in connection with the subject matter of these Terms (whether oral or written, express or implied, statutory or otherwise) except as specifically set out in these Terms.


A waiver of any default, breach or non-compliance under these Terms is not effective unless in writing and signed by the party to be bound by the waiver. No waiver shall be inferred from or implied by any failure to act or delay in acting by a party in respect of any default, breach or non-observance or by anything done or omitted to be done by the other party. The waiver by a party of any default, breach or non-compliance under these Terms shall not operate as a waiver of that party’s rights under these Terms in respect of any continuing or subsequent default, breach or non-compliance (whether of the same or any other nature).


Any provision of these Terms which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and shall be severed from the balance of these Terms, all without affecting the remaining provisions of these Terms or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.

Successors and Assigns

No one other than the party to these Terms, their successors and permitted assignees, will have any rights or remedies provided by law. No party shall assign or transfer, whether absolutely, by way of security or otherwise, all or any part of its respective rights or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of the other party, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

No Partnership or Agency

Nothing in these Terms is to be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between any of the parties, constitute any party as the agent of the other party, nor authorise any party to make or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of any other party. Each party confirms it is acting on its own behalf and not for the benefit of any other person.

Rights and remedies

No remedy referred to in these Terms is intended to be exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law but should be construed to be an addition to any rights or remedies provided by law.

Further Assurances

Each party shall promptly do, execute, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things in connection with these Terms that the other party may reasonably require, for the purposes of giving effect to these Terms.


Snovio Inc. may update these Terms and Conditions occasionally. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be incorporated into a revised version to be revealed on this webpage. Unless otherwise specified, such changes shall be effective from the date provided at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions. Snov.io reserves its right to notify the Users of any updates of these Terms and Conditions. Still, it is the responsibility of the User to check these Terms and Conditions occasionally to track whether any changes or updates were introduced.


In addition to the payment of the fees, charges and other amounts required to be paid under these Terms, each party shall bear and pay the taxes, levies, duties, customs and similar charges which are levied, assessed and exigible on that party, by operation of applicable laws, as a result of the performance of these Terms.


For the purposes of these Terms, notices and all other communication provided for in these Terms shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given (i) on the date of delivery, if delivered by hand, (ii) on the date of transmission, if delivered by confirmed facsimile or electronic mail, excluding any notification email stating delivery failure sent by email to help@snov.io (iii) on the first business day delivery service at its registered office (if a company) or its principal place of business (in any other case).

Governing law

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, USA. The courts of Delaware shall have exclusive jurisdiction over disputes or claims.

Contact information

Should you have any questions regarding this Terms and Conditions you may contact via admin@snov.io.

Snovio Inc

220 East 23rd Street


New York, NY