Black Friday, known as the biggest shopping day of the year, takes place last Friday of November and is closely followed by Cyber Monday. Together, these two events mark the peak of global consumer activity, with billions spent on deals and discounts across industries.
According to Salesforce, last year’s Black Friday brought in $16.4 billion in sales in the U.S. and $70.9 billion globally.
Similarly, Driveresearch also reports that 75% of consumers plan to shop online for Black Friday and 68% for Cyber Monday. These statistics highlight the growing preference for convenient and flexible online shopping experiences, further cementing the importance of these shopping events for businesses worldwide.
While Black Friday and Cyber Monday are traditionally associated with retail and eCommerce, their reach has expanded into the SaaS space. According to Paddle, companies offering discounts on Black Friday (and across the weekend) sell 7x the orders, leading to around 6x the typical revenue.
But is Black Friday truly worth it for SaaS companies? While the potential for increased revenue and customer acquisition is undeniable, there are risks and challenges that businesses need to navigate. In our latest video podcast, we tackle these questions head-on.
Join our marketing specialists, Kseniia and Victoria, for a friendly chat as they dive deep into the SaaS and Black Friday world. From uncovering the psychology behind limited-time offers to sharing insights from’s own Black Friday strategy, this podcast is packed with practical tips and real-life examples to help you make the most of the season.
🎁 Yes, Black Friday is already here! And we’ve prepared something special for you. You have a fantastic opportunity to grab any of’s annual plans for 50% off, saving up to $4,428! Here are some of the perks you’ll get:
The offer is valid till December 3rd, so don’t miss this chance! Use the promo code BLACKFRIDAY24 to claim your discount. |
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