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How to review campaign reports

This article explains how to monitor your campaign results using general reports and describes how calculates key statistics.

How we calculate Email reports

How we calculate LinkedIn reports

How we calculate General reports

The Reports page helps you monitor key campaign metrics and important account statistics, all conveniently displayed in a single dashboard.

Why Reports are useful for you:

By reviewing the campaign reports in your account, you can:

The reports will help you answer these questions:

How to access Reports

To access the reports in your account, go to the Campaigns tab in the top menu. Then, choose Reports in the submenu that appears on the left.

The dashboard lets you switch between channels to view statistics for:

Filter data in reports

To adjust the data in the report, use the dropdown menus at the top and apply the necessary filters. You can select which campaigns, email accounts or LinkedIn accounts, and team members to include in the report.

1) Campaigns

By default, the report displays data from all your campaigns, regardless of their status (active, completed, or deleted). You can choose the specific campaigns that you want to include in the report.

2) Accounts

By default, the report includes data from all your accounts and your team members’ accounts. You can choose which sender accounts will be included in the report data and shown in the Accounts section.

3) Owners (for Teams)

In Teamwork accounts, the report will include data from team members’ campaigns and their email accounts. The list includes all team members, regardless of whether they have started a campaign.

If you’re a team leader (admin), you can choose which members to include in the report and display in the team performance section.

4) Date range

By default, the dashboard shows statistics from the last 30 days. You can choose a date range (“Today,” “Last 7 days,” “Last 30 days,” or a custom) to see how your campaigns performed during that specific time.

All filters work together. When you apply one filter, the others automatically adjust to show only relevant results.

For example, if you choose Email Account 1 and Email Account 2, only campaigns that use those accounts will be included in the report.

How we calculate Email reports

The Email report has several sections that cover all the important aspects of the campaign.

Campaign volume statistics

This section provides information about the total volume of your campaigns. It shows how many of the emails sent are initial (first emails) and how many are follow-ups.

If you notice that you are sending more follow-up emails than initial emails, and this isn’t effective for your strategy, you can set the priority in your campaign settings to send more first emails.

Read more: How to prioritize first emails over follow-ups  →

Deliverability statistics

This section provides information about your deliverability rate and shows the percentage of emails that were successfully delivered.

Even if an email is delivered, it might not always reach the inbox—it could end up in the spam folder. Since it’s not possible to track exactly where emails land in real campaigns, use the Deliverability Check → to test email placement before launching campaigns.

High bounce rates (above 10%) can indicate issues with your email list. Here’s the checklist to prevent high number of bounces –>

Engagement statistics

This section shows the number of leads contacted through selected campaigns and how they interacted with your emails. It includes metrics such as opens, clicks, and replies.

When calculating the reply rate, we use the date the email was delivered rather than the time when the recipient actually replied to it. Consider this when checking statistics for specific dates.

A low reply rate (below 2-3%) indicates that your email content may need improvement. Best practices to get more replies.

How we calculate statistics:

Engagement rates are calculated based on the Contacted number, which is considered 100%. For example, the open rate represents the percentage of recipients who opened the email compared to the total number of contacted prospects.

Not reached statistics

This section shows how many prospects were either not interested or were contacted while they were out of the office.

The unsubscribe rate shows how many people opted out of your emails. It helps you understand if your offer is relevant to your prospects and if you’re contacting the right people.

If your unsubscribe rate is high (above 1-2%), it may indicate that your offer isn’t resonating with your recipients or that your targeting needs adjustment. To address this, review and refine your customer profiles and criteria for collecting prospects.

Additionally, consider increasing the delay between follow-up emails to reduce unsubscribe rates.

A high number of auto-replies might indicate that your emails are being sent outside the recipients’ working hours. To reduce the number of auto-replies, adjust your campaign schedule to align with the recipients’ working hours based on their time zones.

Review recipient activity

This section displays the history of different recipient activities and metrics. You can create visual graphs to show email volume and recipient actions over various time periods.

The infographic shows activities based on the exact time they occurred, rather than the time the email was sent.

To customize this section of the report, select the time interval you want to display the infographic for. A shorter time frame lets you see exactly when recipients took action, while a longer time frame shows overall patterns and trends.

Next, choose the relevant metrics from the options at the bottom. This lets you compare the selected metrics and understand how they relate to each other and the total emails sent.

What does the metric mean:

Check email account statistics

This section of the report displays statistics for your email accounts. If you haven’t applied any account filters, the list will show all accounts you’ve connected to, including those not used for sending campaigns or those that were deleted after sending a campaign.

This allows you to track statistics for each email account and sort them to identify which have the highest volumes and best results, as well as those that are underperforming.

Review team statistics

This section shows each team member’s contribution to the overall results. It combines statistics from all campaigns they have launched.

By default, the list shows all team members, including those who haven’t launched a campaign. To include specific team members in the report, use the Campaign Owners filter at the top.

Only team leaders and team members with the “View team records” permission can see the statistics of other team members. Team members without permission will only be able to view the statistics for their own campaigns.

How we calculate LinkedIn reports

To track the overall statistics of your LinkedIn automation, switch to the LinkedIn tab on the Reports dashboard. It provides data on the total volume and success rate of interactions with leads on LinkedIn.

Statistics in the LinkedIn report are based on the selected campaigns, accounts, and time period. By default, it shows data from all campaigns and accounts for the last 30 days. You can customize this using the filters at the top.

The report has several sections that display data on all key aspects of your LinkedIn outreach: lead volume, engagement rate, activity timeline, and statistics per account.

Leads engaged

In this section, you can monitor two crucial outreach aspects: how many leads you’ve engaged within a selected time period and how many of them have replied.

When selecting the time period, keep in mind that the reply rate is based on when the message was sent, not when the reply was received.

The total rate consists of replies to regular LinkedIn messages and replies to messages added to connection requests. If a prospect replies to both of them, we’ll count this prospect in the “Connection request replies statistics”, as the reply to the request occurred first.

Acceptance rate and account growth

This section helps you monitor data on the connection requests sent during the selected time period. 

The acceptance rate is important as it indicates how many prospects are interested in further communication. Additionally, the number of accepted requests reflects network growth, showing how many prospects you can contact (send LinkedIn messages to) in future campaigns.

Failed request doesn’t necessarily indicate a technical issue; there could be various reasons for a request failing to be sent. Reasons for failed request may include:

Message volume

In this section of the report, you can track the overall volume of messages sent in your campaigns.

Unique recipients refers to prospects who received at least one LinkedIn message.

Other LinkedIn activity

While these actions don’t directly affect campaign success, they provide additional touchpoints with your prospects and contribute to overall engagement.

LinkedIn activity timeline

The timeline in the LinkedIn report displays a visual graph of LinkedIn activities over the selected time period.

To adjust the timeline, you can:

1) Select the time interval at the top. A shorter time frame (hourly, daily) provides a detailed view of when actions occurred, while a longer time frame (weekly, monthly) reveals patterns and trends in your outreach.

To select the Hourly statistics, choose the “Last 7 days” option in the Date range filter at the top.

2) Select the relevant metrics at the bottom. You can choose which actions to include in the graph. This allows you to identify relationships between actions and understand how they affect each other’s results.

LinkedIn account statistics

This section of the report lets you monitor the performance of each LinkedIn account connected to

If you haven’t applied any account filters at the top, the list will display all LinkedIn accounts you’ve connected to, including those not yet used in campaigns and those that were deleted after being used in a campaign.

Team statistics (LinkedIn)

This section shows each team member’s contribution to the overall results of LinkedIn Automation.

By default, the list displays all team members, including those who haven’t launched a campaign. To include specific team members in the report, use the Campaign Owners filter at the top.

Only team leaders and team members with the “View team records” permission can view statistics for other team members. Team members without this permission will only be able to view statistics for their own campaigns.

How we calculate General reports

The General tab in the reports dashboard combines data from email and LinkedIn reports. This allows you to monitor overall performance and compare statistics across the two channels to see which channel performs better.

By default, it shows data from all campaigns and accounts over the last 30 days. You can use the filters at the top to view stats for specific campaigns, accounts, team members, or a different time period.

The General report includes overall metrics from both channels and the comparison for each channel.

Total contacted

This shows the total number of recipients contacted  through any of the channels.

The colored graph below breaks this down by channel: multichannel (both email and LinkedIn), email only, and LinkedIn only.

Total reply rate

This metric shows the overall percentage of recipients who replied after being contacted through any of the channels (in the selected campaigns and time period).

The colored graph breaks this down by channel: multichannel (both email and LinkedIn), email only, and LinkedIn only.

Your team performance

This section shows each team member’s contribution to the overall results. It combines statistics from all campaigns they have launched.

By default, the list shows all team members, including those who haven’t launched a campaign. To include specific team members in the report, use the Campaign Owners filter at the top.

Only team leaders and team members with the “View team records” permission can see the statistics of other team members. Team members without permission will only be able to view the statistics for their own campaigns.

If you have a question that we haven’t covered, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team. You can contact us at or through live chat. We’re here to assist you!

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