Monday morning meeting

It’s no wonder that most employees don’t like meetings — either because they consider them stressful, boring, or long. But still, weekly meetings are crucial for all team members to keep the pace up and discuss problems that they have encountered. 

What is a Monday morning meeting?

Monday morning meeting is a practice of conducting meetings on Monday morning with the whole team, including managers and sales representatives. During such meetings, you talk about business, the working process, issues that need to be solved, goals that need to be set, etc. They are usually held to make sure team members are focused on the right thing aimed to improve sales and revenue. 

Either you are an entrepreneur or a solopreneur and doing everything yourself, it’s highly suggested to still find time in your schedule each week to start over, take on new responsibilities, and finish the work you have already begun. Before getting immersed into the workflow during the following week, you can devote some time to organizing thoughts and deciding the goals you want to accomplish by Friday.

Is Monday the best day to have a morning meeting? 

Most entrepreneurs consider Monday morning meetings as a critical element of getting ready for the workweek.  However, others might think it’s a waste of time. 

As for the choice of the day, some argue that Monday morning is the worst time that could ever be scheduled for a meeting. Lynn Taylor, the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant,” claims that employees’ productivity is higher during this time. This is why distracting them with meetings is a bad idea.

Most productive day

According to a study conducted by YouCanBookMe, the most appropriate time to schedule a meeting is on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. – neither too early in the morning, nor too late into the week.

Whether to conduct meetings on Monday or not is up to you. The goal is to have them regularly, know what is on your meeting agenda, and plan what can be done to make your team more productive. Many teams don’t have regular meetings, and even if such sessions do take place, they often fail to accomplish much, so you don’t want to be one of them.

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How to make the most out of your Monday morning meetings

To make your team understand that Monday morning meetings are beneficial, the following goals must be reached:

  1. Make sure your team knows their priorities and goals for the week ahead, as well as their role in accomplishing those goals.
  2. Build an organizational structure in which everyone is accountable for achieving their responsibilities.
  3. Maintain communication with your team and be attentive to identify small issues before they become big problems.
  4. Keep your team inspired and motivated so that everyone leaves the meeting being enthusiastic about the upcoming week. You can find some inspiring ideas here. 
  5. Be laconic and focus on essentials so that these meetings improve productivity rather than cause burdens.

How to conduct an energetic meeting

Here are some insights by sales leadership Clint Babcock:

Invite a guest speaker

It can be a person from a different department or company that can share some fresh ideas about business.


Knowing what you should do in theory is very different from acting in reality, as theory is nothing without practice, particularly when we are dealing with sales. Sales roleplay helps practice positioning, presenting, and moving a sale forward under a controlled environment. Therefore, it’s a significant aspect of skill improvement. 

Book report

We are sure you have team members reading various sales, marketing, B2B, B2C, and psychology books. So, ask 1 or 2 of them to provide a broad overview of what they got out of the last book they’ve read.

Change the location

If you meet in person, have your meeting outside or at a coffee house. If you meet on the phone, ask everyone to join a videoconference. It’s marvelous how a change in the environment can change the mood.

Video collaboration

Teach your team members about business

Nowadays, sales professionals need to be aware of how to identify business problems and their impact. Shed some light on basic accounting/finance, marketing, customer support, etc. You live, and you learn.

Wrapping it up

As we see, Monday morning meetings are a powerful way to start your week, but keeping them fresh and energizing takes some effort. Nevertheless, they are worth it as they can help take your business to the next level. 

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