How to enable automatic LinkedIn account warm-up

In this article, you'll learn how to enable warm-up mode for your account and scale LinkedIn outreach safely.

What is a LinkedIn account warm-up

Connection requests on LinkedIn drive conversions and account growth. However, using too many right away can lead to account restrictions.

For your account's safety, enable Warm-up mode. It automatically increases your daily limit for connection requests by a safe amount.


Warm-up mode helps you safely increase the number of leads you connect with to prevent restrictions from exceeding weekly invitation limits.

Warm-up settings

Default settings are set to the recommended values. You can edit them to match your preferences before enabling the warm-up mode.


Switch the toggle in the top right to the On position to enable warm-up mode only after setting the warm-up parameters.

These parameters will determine how many prospects you will connect with throughout the warm-up period and how long the warm-up will last.

  • Starting volume: The limit of connection requests on the first day of warm-up (the day you enable it).
  • Sending goal: The number of requests per day you want to reach for this account. The warm-up completes automatically when this goal is reached. The maximum warm-up limit is 50
  • Volume increase: The number by which the requests limit increases each time.
  • Warm-up step length: The number of days between each increase in the number of daily requests.

The warm-up applies only to the Connection request action and works only in campaigns where you have added it to your sequence and there are enough recipients to perform this action on.

In sequences without Connection requests or if they have already been performed, warm-up mode will remain in sleep mode and will activate once you add more LinkedIn steps or recipients.

Warm-up progression example:

If your starting volume is 5, the sending goal is 50, the warm-up step length is 2 days, and the volume increase is 2, the progression will be:

  • Day 1: 5 requests
  • Day 2: 5 requests
  • Day 3: 7 requests
  • Day 4: 7 requests
  • Day 5: 9 requests
  • And so on, until the Sending goal (50) is reached.

If the starting volume is an odd number and the volume increase is an even number, the final sending goal might be higher (21 in our warm-up progression example).

Daily limits after the warm-up

While the warm-up mode is active, you cannot edit the safety limit for Connection requests. The number of daily requests will be based on the warm-up settings.

Once the warm-up is completed (reaches the Sending goal), your account will automatically switch back to Safety limits mode, with a fixed number of daily Connection requests.


After the warm-up, you can also edit the Connection requests limit yourself, but make sure it also matches the recommended value based on your current SSI score -->

If you have a question that we haven't covered, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team. You can contact us at Snovio Help or through live chat. We're here to assist you!

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Learn how to set up LinkedIn Automation to reach leads via LinkedIn and multichannel campaigns.