Statistics help you optimize your sales performance and guide your decision-making to build a profitable business strategy.
It’s only natural that our CRM has a statistics summary for you to analyze your work results based on the history of your deals.
This report includes:
- the number of deals created/won over a period of time
- total value of won deals
- performance of each team member
- deal loss reasons.
Where to find Deals statistics
Here’s how to access it: in the left-side menu, find the CRM tab and click Statistics or follow the link.
You will be taken to the Deals statistics page where you can see the following metrics for you to track:
Deals created (1), Deals won (2), Value (3), Team statistics (4), Deal loss reasons (5).
Statistics filtering
The toolbar at the top of the Deals statistics page allows you to filter statistics by:
- Time
If you set a time filter, statistics will be displayed specifically per chosen time period.
2. Pipeline
If you have several pipelines, you can view statistics for all pipelines altogether or choose a specific one.
This will help determine which pipelines perform better and which sales approach works best for your audience.
- Team member
If you use Snov.io CRM in a Team, this filter will help to monitor the progress of a particular team member.
Deal loss reasons statistics
The graph in the bottom right corner shows you the most common reasons behind your lost deals. You can customize the list of deal loss reasons to suit your needs and get more specific insight into your customer desires.
Hovering over the graph shows you a full list of deal loss reasons and the number of lost deals per each reason.
Feel free to contact our support team via live chat or email us at help@snov.io for any additional questions.
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