How to get a refund

According to our Terms & Conditions, we don’t offer partial or full refunds for purchases made on the website. This applies to monthly and annual subscription payments, as well as the add-on purchases.

In certain situations, exceptions to the non-refundable policy may apply. Here are some examples where a refund might be considered:

  • If you requested a refund within 14 days since your plan was automatically renewed and you haven’t used any of the account quotas yet (credits, recipients, warm-up emails, or LinkedIn slots) since the renewal.
  • There was a temporary issue with the payment system, resulting in a double charge.
  • If technical issues prevented you from using the platform
  • If you believe you were charged without your permission and have not used our service since.

Your satisfaction with is our top priority in every situation. We carefully review each refund request and may approve it if the circumstances justify it.

We'll do everything we can to address any concerns or issues that led you to request a refund.

Contact our customer care team through or live chat to find the best solution for you.

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