Deepak Shukla

One of our clients got 23 email meetings scheduled from just 117 emails sent with From those 23 meetings, two leads have actually signed, generating about $9,000 in revenue. Pretty incredible for a one month campaign!

Deepak Shukla

Founder and CEO of Pearl Lemon

Deepak Shukla
Founder and CEO of Pearl Lemon
About company

Pearl Lemon is a premier SEO and lead generation agency in London, UK that serves clients worldwide. Pearl Lemon helps businesses increase visibility, drive qualified B2B leads, and grow with their certified SEO and Lead Generation services, investing heavily in in-house learning and experimentation, always seeking new ways to drive traffic to their clients’ online assets.

The challenge

As an SEO agency we found that building email campaigns, both for ourselves and for our clients, was becoming very time-consuming. We needed a way to streamline the outreach process, as well as ensure that the quality of our campaigns didn’t take a nose-dive as a result.

The solution

That’s when we gave a try. What we found was a drip campaign builder that was both powerful and easy to engage with. None of the other tools offer a campaign set-up that allows you to visually identify the sequences and flows you build within your cold email campaigns this easily. This is definitely unique to

None of the other tools offer a campaign set-up that allows you to visually identify the sequences and flows you build within your cold email campaigns this easily.

client campaign
conversion rate
in revenue from
a 1-month campaign
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However, using opened us to more than just drips. The elements we enjoyed the most were the Website Technologies Checker, alongside Email Verifier and Email Drip Campaigns. And it’s when you put these elements together that you get everything you need for a great sequence. The website technologies checker is something we’re working with more now, depending on what we’re trying to do for our clients and ourselves.

The results

We’ve helped clients get started with and shown them how to use it, and we've seen some success. In fact, we’re now beginning to overhaul everything we’re doing internally to be able to incorporate as well.

In terms of numbers, one of our clients (a marketing agency trying to collect leads in the roofing and plumbing niche) got 23 email meetings scheduled from just 117 emails sent with From those 23 meetings, two leads have actually signed, generating about $9,000 in revenue. Pretty incredible for a one month campaign!

The experience

Is easy to use? Absolutely. We’ve found introducing it to our clients, as well as incorporating it into our own processes, to be fairly straightforward. If you’re thinking of giving a try, don’t hesitate. Its impressive tool stack will add excellent value to your campaigns. I highly recommend it!

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"Amazing email automation"
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"The Most Robust eMail Outreach Tool for Freelance Copywriters"
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"The #1 go to tool for every marketer"
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"Great all-in-one"
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"A pioneer"
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G M Helal A.
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"Best LinkedIn data scraper I have used"
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"Has lots of features "
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