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How To Write A Sales Breakup Email: Expert Tips And Templates For Professional Farewell

You’ve invested time and energy into following up with a potential client, but the spark just isn’t there. Their needs may not align with your services, or communication has stalled. Whatever the reason, it’s time to move on.

A good thing is that you can let people go without burning any bridges. In this easy guide, I’ll describe how to break up with a client professionally and provide breakup examples of templates that would leave the door open for future opportunities.

What is a sales breakup email?

A sales breakup email is a message sent to a prospect when communication hasn’t resulted in closing a deal. Sales teams resort to breakup emails when it becomes apparent that the prospect is no longer interested in your sales pitch.

The goal of a sales breakup email is to formally mark the end of your engagement. The key challenge is to do it most respectfully so prospects consider getting back to you after a while.

Why sales breakup emails work?

I found several reasons why sales breakup emails can be effective:

They help you end the relationship professionally

Sales breakup emails confirm the formal ending for both the salesperson and the prospect. This allows both parties to move on without any lingering uncertainty. Besides, a well-crafted breakup email is a chance to demonstrate your respect for the prospect’s time and decision-making process. Such a professional attitude is what customers commonly appraise highly.

They offer the possibility of reconnection

Even though the immediate sales opportunity may be lost, polite breakup messages might help you leave a positive aftertaste. They can provide opportunities to re-engage with prospects if circumstances change or ask for referrals.


Expert tips from

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They help you gain valuable insights

Breakup emails can be your chance to gather valuable feedback from the prospect about the reason why they actually quit. Their responses can help you refine your sales strategy, empowering you with crucial information. 

How to write a breakup email: steps, ideas, and examples 

Writing a breakup email in sales requires a delicate balance of professionalism, empathy, and clarity. In this chapter, we’ll consider this process step by step.

How to write a breakup email stage by stage:

  1. Use a friendly subject line
  2. Start with a personalized opening
  3. Admit the deadlock and reiterate the value proposition
  4. End your message professionally

1. Use a friendly subject line

No matter how pitiful you feel about the whole situation, sales breakup email subject lines should radiate positive vibes. Here are some tips and sales breakup email ideas you can steal away: 


Make this email element more personal and relevant by including the recipient’s name or company:


Example: “Cheers to new beginnings, [Prospect’s Name].”

Express gratitude

Show appreciation for the prospect’s time and interest.


Example: “Thank you for considering [Your Company], [Prospect’s Name].”

Maintain positivity

Keep the spirits up to leave a good final impression.


Example: “Until we meet again, [Prospect’s Name].”

Never, ever, ever guilt the prospect. Hey, why aren’t you calling me back? Or, Why didn’t you read my white paper? Or seem needy or creepy. All of this repels and looks hungry and weak: never do it.

Justin Michael

Justin Michael

Executive Coach at Hard Skill Exchange

Make it clear and direct

Clearly render the message that you’re ending your communication.


Example: “Closing this chapter — last message from [Your Company].”

Pay respect to their decision

Express your understanding of the situation and show you acknowledge their decision to step down.


Example:  “Moving forward with thanks.”

Offer future support

Mention you’re open for potential future communication and ready to assist.


Example: “Here if you need us: reconnecting with [Your Company].”

✔ Reflect on the mutual experience

Emphasize the journey you’ve been on together.


Example:  “It’s the end of an era, [Prospect’s Name].”

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to entice a prospect to read your sales breakup letter.


Expert tips from

Remember to A/B test different sales breakup email subject lines to determine the most resonating one for your audience.

You can easily do it with cold email software, which allows you to experiment with up to five compelling variants!

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A/B test your emails with

2. Start with a personalized opening

Set a respectful and friendly tone from the outset. Begin your sales breakup email with a personal greeting and show appreciation for the prospect’s time.



Dear [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Firstly, I’d like to thank you for the time you’ve invested in our discussions thus far.

If they’ve had a certain level of interest in your product or service, thank them for that as well.


Expert tips from variables automate the job for you even if you send hundreds of emails simultaneously. The tool will automatically insert the required prospect information on the go, so each recipient gets the most relevant copy:

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Personalize your email content

Effortlessly create customized email copies for each recipient

Personalize your email content

3. Admit the deadlock and reiterate the value proposition

Gently admit the lack of response or no progress in the sales process. That will be a sign of empathy and understanding towards the prospect’s decision or circumstances.

Then, briefly restate the unique value proposition of your product or service. Remind the prospect of the benefits your offering can provide to their specific needs or challenges. Let the best features of your solution ring the bell to them even after their farewell.



It appears that our communication has slowed down recently, and I understand that priorities can shift. While I had hoped to explore how [Your Solution] could benefit [Prospect’s Company], I respect your decision if now isn’t the right time.

4. End your message professionally

Gracefully conclude the message by providing a clear call to action that would encourage the prospect to contact you if any questions occur.


Breakup text examples:

  • “If circumstances change or if you’d like to revisit our discussion, feel free to reach out at any time.”
  • “Should you have any questions or need further information in the future, I’m here to assist.”
  • “If there are any specific areas you’d like to explore further down the road, I’d be happy to reconnect.”
  • “While we may be closing this chapter, I’m always here to discuss how our solutions can benefit your business in the future.”

Here are some breakup letter ideas for your professional ending:

Promise support or assistance

Repeat you’re ready to help if the prospect has any questions or their circumstances change with time. This shows that you remain committed to providing value and support, regardless of their decision.



Although it seems our paths won’t converge this time, I want you to know I’m here to support you in any way I can. If you ever have questions about [Your Product/Service] or if your needs change, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My inbox is always open, and I’m just a phone call away.

Offer something of value

A good idea is to offer any free incentive before you end the communication. This can be a helpful resource, industry insights, a relevant article or guide – anything the prospect will benefit from.

With this gesture, you’ll leave a positive impression and instill an image of a reputable company.



As a token of appreciation for your time and interest, I’d like to offer you access to [relevant resource or helpful content]. This [resource/article/insight] provides valuable insights into [relevant topic/industry trend], and I believe it could be beneficial for [Prospect’s Company] as you navigate [specific challenge/issue].

Should you find yourself revisiting your needs, feel free to reach out. I’m here to assist in any way I can.

Set expectations

Outline any specific actions you will take, such as removing the prospect from your sales pipeline or follow-up schedule. This will help you prevent any confusion or misunderstandings, ensuring a seamless and professional conclusion to the selling process.



As a final update, I will remove your details from our sales pipeline and follow-up schedule. If your situation changes or you have any questions in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Breakup email templates to close the loop on deals

We’ve prepared a list of ten breakup letter examples of templates you can use as a backbone for various scenarios. Feel free to pick a template up to your needs and try it out!

  1. No response
  2. Budgetary concerns
  3. Competitor preference
  4. Priority shift
  5. Lack of fit
  6. The helpful resource share
  7. The value-driven check-in
  8. Asking for referral
  9. Asking for permission to close the file
  10. The answer to negative feedback

1. No response

Use this sales breakup email template when a prospect remains silent after a sequence of your follow-ups:


Subject: Wrapping up our conversation

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’ve reached out several times about [Your Product/Service] but haven’t got your response. I totally understand how busy things can get, so I’ll step back for now.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions in the future.

Thanks for considering us!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

2. Budgetary concerns

Templates of this type can be used if you suspect or know the prospect can’t afford your solution right now.


Subject: Let’s touch the base

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. I wanted to follow up on the proposal we sent over recently. I completely understand you might be having some budgetary constraints at the moment.

Should your circumstances change, or if you need assistance in the future, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

3. Competitor preference

Sometimes, a prospect might prefer a competitor’s solution even after your efforts to persuade them to try your offering. It’s sad but okay. Grab the following email breakup template for such a scenario:


Subject: Appreciate your decision, [Prospect’s Name]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. It appears that you’ve found a solution that better fits your needs, and we respect that decision. If you ever need further assistance or circumstances change, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Wishing you all the best with your chosen solution.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

4. Priority shift

Such templates are ideal when a prospect’s company undergoes unexpected changes, making your solution a lower priority.


Subject: Respecting your current focus

Dear [Prospect’s Name],

I trust this email finds you well. It seems there have been some changes within your organization, which have affected our discussions. 

I understand that priorities can shift, and it seems like [Your Product/Service] might not be at the top of your list right now. 

Should your circumstances change or if you need assistance in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

5. Not a fit

If you finally realize your solution can’t solve the prospect’s problems, crown up the communication by using this template:


Subject: We are here for you

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Hope you’re okay. It appears our solution doesn’t perfectly align with your current needs, and I respect that.

Should you ever need assistance with a different aspect of your business, or if your needs evolve, feel free to reach out.

Wishing you all the best,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

6. Sharing helpful resources

Use this sample to part on good terms and provide a reason for the prospect to keep you in mind for future needs or challenges:


Subject: Valuable insights on [Industry Topic] – from [Your Company]

Dear [Prospect Name],

I hope this email finds you well. We recently discussed [Your Product/Service] and its potential to assist with [Prospect’s Needs]. I see that currently you aren’t ready to try our solution. Yet, I wanted to share a valuable resource you might find helpful: [Link to Industry Article]

This article delves deeper into strategies for [Industry Topic] – relevant to the challenges you mentioned previously.

If your needs change or you need assistance with anything else in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

7. The value-driven check-in

Use this breakup letter sample to show you prioritize your prospect’s needs over making a sale.


Subject: Aligning your needs with [Your Company]‘s solutions

Hi [Prospect Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I understand that our solution might not be a priority for you right now. But since our last conversation, [Your Company] has implemented some exciting advancements in [Product/Service Area] that directly address common challenges faced by companies in your industry.

I believe these developments might be highly relevant to your situation. I’d be happy to discuss how these advancements could specifically benefit your team. If not now, contact me whenever any questions arise.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

8. Asking for referral

The following breakup text template will help you request a referral in an email. You’ll be happy to find out a prospect can do this final little favor for you.


Subject: Checking in

Hi [Prospect Name],

Following up on our previous conversations about [Your Product/Service], I see there’s been no progress on your end.

I completely understand our solution can no longer be a good fit for your needs. If you have any colleagues or contacts who might benefit from our [Your Product/Service], I’d be happy to connect with them.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to assist you. I’m here to help in any way I can.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

9. Asking for permission to close the file

Such email is a polite yet assertive way to re-engage a prospect who has gone cold. It gives the recipient a clear option, which can prompt a response. Here’s one of the templates you can use:


Subject: Should I close your file?

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’ve reached out several times but haven’t heard back from you. If you’re no longer interested in our [Your Product/Service], I totally understand. 

Would it be okay if I go ahead and close your file? Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there’s anything else I can assist with.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

10. The answer to negative feedback

A prospect may express lots of objections concerning your offering. If you still hear ‘No’ after a chain of follow-ups, feel free to use the breakup template example below. It acknowledges their feedback, shows empathy, and keeps the possibility of future interaction open.


Subject: Thank you for your feedback!

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Thank you for sharing your feedback about [Your Product/Service]. I’m sorry we didn’t meet your expectations, and I completely understand your concerns. I wanted to let you know that I respect your decision, and I don’t want to keep bothering you with follow-ups if this isn’t the right fit for you at this time.

However, if there’s anything else I can do to improve your experience, I’d love to hear from you. If not, I’ll go ahead and close your file for now.

Please feel free to reach out in the future if your needs change or if you’re open to giving us another try. We’re always striving to get better, and your feedback is invaluable to us.

Thank you again for considering [Your Company].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

The above breakup templates strike a polite and professional tone, maintaining a positive relationship even if your cooperation has gone stale.

By subscribing to, you’ll find many more sales email templates for all purposes.

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It works as your personal copywriting team, following your instructions and generating email templates according to your needs. Sales emails of all kinds, follow-ups, templates based on the summary — the tool will create it all in seconds!

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In the final chapter, I’ll share tips for effective sales breakup emails. Use them as a small cheat sheet in your everyday sales routine.

Best practices for writing a sales breakup email 

  • Keep it short
  • Balance between value and self-promotion
  • Mind your prospect’s specific needs
  • Sound professional
  • Proofread 

Keep it short

When crafting a sales breakup email, keep it concise and to the point. Prospects are often inundated with letters, and a lengthy, drawn-out message may be easily overlooked or ignored. I recommend conveying the key points clearly and concisely within no more than 300 words.

This helps ensure that the client can quickly understand the purpose of the message and the next steps without getting caught up in extra details.

Balance between value and self-promotion

Either in the main body or in the ending, ensure your sales breakup email has some lines about the value of your solution. You don’t want prospects to slip their minds, after all. Yet, be careful not to show off.

Avoid boasting about your product features and benefits. Ensure you’re not here to pitch your offering by hook or by crook. You’re here to help. Any day. Any time.

Mind your prospect’s specific needs

Customize the sales breakup letter based on the prospect’s specific situation and relationship with your company. Your message, even if it’s a farewell, should feel personalized and relevant.

This pertains to all elements of your email, whether it’s a subject line, a main body, or a CTA.

Sound professional

Use a polite and respectful tone of voice throughout the message. No offending, no pressuring the prospect to reconsider their decision or take immediate action. Be as friendly as possible but not too buddy-like. A semi-formal style would suit your sales breakup email perfectly.


The last but frequently overlooked step is to thoroughly review your breakup sales email before sending it. Ensure it is free of errors and clearly communicates your message. Failing to do so may spoil the final impression of you and your company — something you’d want to avoid, right?


Expert tips from

Get more tips on writing killer email copies for B2B sales in a special free course from You’ll find this and other expert sales courses in Academy.

What’s next?

As you can see, you don’t need a breakup letter generator to craft a creative and effective final email. Above, we’ve discussed the process step by step with neat examples and tips. By following these tips and using the provided templates, you can turn a dead-end conversation into a positive interaction.

Utilize the power of the breakup email to end things gracefully and potentially reignite interest down the line. And don’t forget you can always automate the game with tools!

Sales emails can now be crafted and sent more easily!

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