1. Why should I warm up email accounts?
Email Warm-up automatically creates a positive email history for your account to improve its sender reputation. Better reputation means better deliverability -- your campaigns are more likely to reach the Inbox, not spam.
2. How do warm-up works?
Once you start a warm-up, your email account becomes part of the warm-up pool with other real users' accounts and our system mailboxes. During the warm-up campaign, it will automatically send and receive emails for a positive engagement.
2. What email accounts can I warm up? What providers are supported?
It works with any email provider, including popular services or specialized SMTP hosts. You can warm up any email account in Snov.io and the warm-up effect is guaranteed. You can also run a targeted warm-up to boost your reputation with specific providers.
To start a warm-up, connect your account to Snov.io using your email login details or SMTP settings.
3. How much does it cost?
You can try warm-up even on the free Trial plan. It is included at no extra cost in every Snov.io plan. The higher your plan tier, the more email accounts you can warm up at the same time with higher warm-up limits.
4. How many email accounts can I warm up?
Every plan provides you with warm-up slots to warm up your email accounts.
During the warm-up, your email accounts can send a certain number of emails per day. Your warm-up slots depend on your plan. On Pro plans, you get the unlimited warm-up slots. The number of warm-up slots means how many email accounts you can warm up at the same time.
4. Can I send email campaigns and warm-up accounts at the same time?
The best practice is to warm up accounts before launching campaigns or to pause your campaigns and do the warm-up period. This will ensure optimal warm-up results and improved deliverability for your campaigns when you start them.
The warm-up’s duration depends on your email's current condition when you start warm-up.
- at least 4 weeks for newly created mailboxes;
- at least 2 weeks for older accounts with some sending history.
When your campaigns are active, keep the warm-up running but reduce its daily limit to 10-20 emails. This helps maintain your sender reputation and ensures you don’t exceed your provider's daily limit.
It's also a good practice to have a few warmed-up mailboxes as backups in case one of your accounts faces deliverability issues. This allows you to switch senders in active campaigns while restoring the reputation of the affected mailbox.
Read more about the best warm-up settings.
5. Can I use the same schedule for email campaigns and a warm-up?
Yes, it's even better to set a warm-up schedule that matches your usual campaign sending times. This keeps your account within its regular activity timeframe.
6. Do emails sent from the email account during warm-up count towards the daily sending limit?
Warm-up emails are not included in the daily limit (Messages per day) in your email account settings. However, they count toward your email provider's limits for your account.
7. Can I warm up email alias accounts?
No, aliases cannot be added to warm-up since they are secondary to primary accounts. Only primary email accounts can be warmed up in Snov.io.
8. How do I know which emails in my inbox are related to the Snovio warm-up?
You'll see an "snv" tag next to each email sent during warm-up. A "snovio" folder will be created in your inbox to store all warm-up emails.
9. Can I limit the number of emails I receive from other users during warm-up?
The number of emails received is determined by a Reply rate set in the warm-up settings. This means the percentage of your emails that will receive replies by the end of the warm-up process.
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