PVcase stands for PhotoVoltaic Computer Aided Solar Engineering. Founded in 2018, PVcase has since grown into a global solar technology company with more than 80 employees serving customers in over 50 countries.
The challenge
Building a startup from scratch is never easy. Back in the days, we took off as a small team of solar engineers who struggled to find a modern solar technology tool and tailor it to the requests of our customers. As any new business, PVcase wanted to get discovered by potential customers. That’s when we began looking for the right toolset.
Before Snov.io we were not even close to the desired results. The main challenges we were facing and that were dragging us away from more sales were:
- Inefficiency: before Snov.io we used to literally guess leads’ email addresses. It was very time consuming and could potentially take up to 5-10 minutes per lead.
- Inaccuracy: low quality of guessed email addresses often resulted in high bounce rate.
The solution
But enough was enough, so we decided to give Snov.io a shot. Today, we use Snov.io’s Email Finder and Email Verifier on a daily basis and generate leads from anywhere online: websites, LinkedIn, search pages, etc.
Every single new hire in the Sales department learns how to use Snov.io in a couple of minutes.

What do we like about these tools most of all?
- Snov.io has a very good UI that converts to a great user experience. Every single new hire in the sales department learns how to use Snov.io in a couple of minutes. No hidden buttons or features, everything is very simple. All our employees easily get used to Snov.io, which then positively shows on the team’s productivity.
- However, the best part of integrating Snov.io into our sales process is the results. So far, we have found over 60,000 of prospects’ business email addresses. The email quality is crucial for us, since we are working in a very small market and it requires outstanding data quality with as small a bounce rate as possible.
The results
Since we started using Snov.io, our email bounce rate has decreased significantly: from 15% to less than 5%. And with emails that had enabled us to reach exactly the people we need, our open rate increased from 50% to 65% on average. We at PVcase love the results we’re seeing and are very optimistic about scaling up in the future and growing together with Snov.io.