Playbook for Agencies

This playbook answers the most important questions you might have before you start working with It also describes the most important parts of our platform to help you set up your account.

Our goal is to help you deliver results to your clients, increase your own client base and grow your revenue. Here’s how you can leverage’s tools to achieve that:

Is right for your agency?

Part I: How to add unlimited client accounts →

Part II: How to improve deliverability and send bulk campaigns safely →

Part III: How to upload and find leads →

Part IV: How to create personalized automations that drive replies →

Part V: How to monitor statistics and download reports →

Part VI: How to integrate with other apps and create automations →


Is right for your agency?

First, let us address a key question that might be on your mind. Is the right choice for your agency? To answer that, here’s what you get using

 –> Flat rates with unlimited key quotas

Growing your agency and revenue requires scalability. We offer flat rates and unlimited seats so you can scale easily. You also have no limit in crucial quotas such as email accounts, storage, and campaigns. This means you can manage more clients without any extra costs.

–> Upload your own leads or collect lists with our tools

Along with the importing option, offers versatile lead generation tools that cover almost any method for finding leads. Plus, we automatically verify any leads you save, so you don’t need to purchase extra tools for verification.

–> Bulk campaigns made safe

You get a built-in deliverability package, also including a built- in warm-up tool, that prepares accounts for outreach and detects any potential issues, allowing you to fix them before they impact your campaigns.

–> Multichannel (email+LinkedIn) outreach automation

Launch automated sequences of LinkedIn actions in combination with emails for a broader reach and more replies.

–> Personalized sequences at scale

You’ll have several options at your disposal to send more targeted and personalized sequences in bulk – from adding text placeholders and dynamic content to sending emails based on lead’s details and actions.

–> Wide range of integrations with other software

You can integrate with popular CRMs like Pipedrive and HubSpot or create your own automations using API and no-code integration platforms like Zapier and Make.

–> Unlimited support and implementation services

We care about your growth—from the moment you sign up and for as long as you are our customer, you receive constant guidance from our Success Managers. We’ll help you with account setup, implementation of tools, and share insights on using them more efficiently.

On top of that, our Support team will always be at your service to answer any questions or help with troubleshooting.

Part I: How to add unlimited client accounts

In the first part, we’ll show you how to set up a framework for managing client accounts in

1.1 Add clients to your account

Each client will need their own account that will then be added to the admin’s team. You can also add existing accounts to your team, if your client has one.


Admin account: The account you used to purchase the plan will serve as the admin (aka team leader’s) account. This account will manage the subscription and create a client dashboard.

Client accounts are set up as team members under the admin’s team. To add an account to your team, go to My Team → page.


We offer unlimited free team seats so you can add as many client accounts as needed at any point, regardless of your plan size.

On the My Team –> page, the admin can see an overview of all client accounts under their management.

The accounts you add to the team will use the quotas (credits, recipients, warm-up slots, LinkedIn account slots) allocated to the admin’s paid account. Each team member (client account) will also have access to the same features as the admin, with their own lead storage, campaigns, and reports.

As an admin, you can view all records and activities within client accounts, including lead lists, campaigns, and credit/recipient expenditures for each team member account.


Your agency’s team members can access client accounts using the login details and manage them with full control. Note that your clients will not have remote access to the accounts you manage.

Read more on how Team account works →

1.2 Connect unlimited email accounts

To use deliverability tools and send automated campaigns, you’ll need to connect your client’s email accounts. Open the Email Accounts –> page to add and manage the senders. We support connection through SMTP with all the popular providers (and any custom host) as well as direct connection with Gmail and Microsoft.


Each team member (client) will have an unlimited number of email account slots. This comes with no extra charges per slot, unlike many competitors who charge per added email address.

Each email account has optional settings that you can configure, including adding a custom “From” name and signature, setting daily sending limits, and adding custom tracking domains.

1.3 Connect accounts for LinkedIn Automation’s toolset includes a LinkedIn Automation add-on to help you run LinkedIn campaigns for your clients or incorporate automated LinkedIn touches as an additional outreach channel.

LinkedIn accounts are charged per slot on a monthly basis (30-day rolling period with prorated charges). Each LinkedIn slot can store one LinkedIn account.

Go to the LinkedIn Accounts –> page to get LinkedIn slots and connect accounts.

You can get LinkedIn slots under the Team admin account and distribute them across client (member) accounts. Learn how to assign LinkedIn slots to team member accounts –>

Connecting an account requires real login details and confirmation via two-factor authentication. You may need to request these details from your client.


We use location-based proxies with dedicated IP addresses to ensure account safety while using automation. We also set safe daily limits for actions based on the LinkedIn account’s SSI score.

1.4 Add No-send lists to your account

When managing campaigns for your clients, it’s crucial to ensure that your emails reach only the intended recipients. To address this concern, there’s the Do-not-send lists feature in This option allows you to upload lists of email contacts/domains that should be blocked from receiving campaigns.

To add no-send lists, go to the Do-not-send Lists –> page in the account settings.

No-send lists are shared across all client (team) accounts. This means that lists added in the admin (team leader’s) account are applied to all member accounts, while lists added to specific client accounts are only applied to campaigns within those accounts.


The capacity for no-send lists is scalable – your Team account supports up to 200 no-send lists, each up to 10 MB in size. If this isn’t enough for your needs, just let us know, and we can look into increasing it for you.


You can also use the API endpoint to create automation that adds contacts to a no-send list. Refer to our API documentation –> for more information.

Part II: How to improve deliverability and send bulk campaigns safely

Your toolkit comes with a set of features that help make your bulk campaigns safe and provide greater control over their deliverability.

Before launching campaigns, you can warm up accounts and run several useful tests to troubleshoot potential issues before they have any impact on the campaign results.


You won’t have to use any additional software for this purpose – deliverability package is built into your account.

2.1 Add custom tracking domain

A custom domain for tracking opens and clicks replaces a default shared domain.

This is an important step to guarantee a positive effect for deliverability; In, you can attach a custom tracking domain to every sender account.

Learn how to add a CTD to email accounts →

2.2 Warm up and recover accounts’s Email Warm-up –> is compatible with any email service provider or SMTP host.

It effectively handles these common scenarios:

Preparing new accounts

Warm-up helps build a reliable sender reputation for new accounts and prepare them to handle larger campaigns safely. You can set a daily goal for a warm-up based on your expected email volume. It’s recommended to warm up new accounts for at least 4 weeks.

Recovering deliverability of old accounts

If you’ll use existing accounts with a compromised reputation, our warm-up feature helps restore their credibility and prevent future issues. can improve deliverability of such accounts after just 2 weeks.

Upkeeping the deliverability during campaigns

It’s no mystery that even a perfect campaign can sometimes end up in spam, which negatively affects the account’s reputation. Email warm-up can compensate for unexpected deliverability issues and keep your sender reputation high.


Note about simultaneous Warm-up and Campaigns

We don’t recommend launching campaigns during the initial warm-up period of new accounts. Starting large campaigns too early can reduce the effectiveness of the warm-up. After 4 weeks, you can start sending campaigns while warming up your account at the same time.

Emails sent during the warm-up do not count to the email account’s daily limit in, but are included in the total allowed by the ESP. Plan the volume of both your ongoing warm-up emails and active campaigns to avoid exceeding provider limits.

Learn more: How to use email warm-up: tips and advice →

2.3 Perform Deliverability check

A built-in Deliverability package → includes a few useful tests. These tests help check the factors that matter most for the deliverability of your campaigns.


–> Domain health check

Verifies DNS records of the sender domain, which are crucial for email authentication and sender security.

–> Email placement test

Tests how effectively your emails pass spam filters and reach inboxes across various email clients.

If your emails are landing in spam, will help you identify the reasons why (which will be listed in the test results). This is especially useful when testing the real email template.

–> Email content test

It includes a spam words check, which scans the email for over 500 common spam trigger words. It also checks that all URLs in the email work properly and ensures attachments are within the recommended file size.

–> SpamAssassin test

This test checks your email for compliance with spam filters and gives it a score.

–> Blacklist check

This test checks the sender’s domain and IP addresses to ensure they are not blacklisted. If any blacklists are found, we will show them in the test results so you can request removal.

2.4 Control bounce rate to protect sender reputation

Running and monitoring campaigns for multiple clients takes a lot of attention. To help you handle the responsibility, we’ve added a high bounce rate protection feature.

Campaigns that exceed a 15% bounce rate threshold will be automatically paused, and you will be notified. This gives you more control over campaign performance and prevents damage to the sender domain’s reputation.

Part III: How to upload and find leads

The Leads → page in your account is the workspace where you will be storing and managing lead lists. Here you can also import prospects, verify emails and clean lists, filter and export leads.


We offer unlimited data storage in every client (team) account – you can upload and create as many lists as required.

3.1 Upload unlimited lead lists

You can upload leads collected from other sources or provided by your clients. The Import option supports .csv or .xls files with up to 100,000 rows of data per file.

In campaigns, you can use your lead data to personalize emails in bulk automatically. This is done by uploading lead details into custom data fields and inserting the corresponding variables into the email content.

To add personalization data to your leads, open the import file and add a new column for personalized details.

Create custom data fields and upload lead details by mapping fields from the import file to the prospect fields in your account.


You can create up to 30 custom prospect fields. For each custom field, we will generate variables (placeholders) that can be directly inserted into email content for bulk personalization.

3.2 Find pre-verified leads offers various lead generation options, giving you flexibility in how you collect your leads. You’ll find every option available on the Finder Tools → page.


We automatically verify email contacts and enrich them with additional prospect data, so they are ready for use in personalized campaigns right away.

Finder tool Use case A resource to get started
Database Search Find verified leads based on ICP characteristics in our built-in database. You can apply filters and find leads that match your client’s ICP.

Lead/company filters include: Location, Job Title, Skills, Company Industry, Size, Niche (Specialty), Revenue.

Start Database search →

LI Prospect Finder extension Find leads from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator. The extension for Chrome saves leads in bulk from various LinkedIn pages and search results (+ Sales Navigator support).

Install the LIPF  extension →

LinkedIn Finder use cases →

How to save leads from Sales Navigator →

Domain Search (Single/Bulk) Find email contacts from company domains. Save email contacts of leads working at a specific company or upload a list of domains for a bulk search.

Search for leads on a domain →

Email Search (Single/Bulk) Find lead’s email contact from their name and company domain. Go to Email Search →
Social URL Search Find email contacts from a list of links to LinkedIn profiles. Go to Social Search →
Technology Checker Find leads based on the technologies/software they use. Go to Technology Checker →

3.3 Create, find and verify leads through automations

We’ve integrated with tools like Zapier → and Make → to make it possible to automate your lead generation tasks in

Key automation scenarios include:

  • Creating prospects in using data from other resources or platforms (with default data fields).
  • Searching for email addresses using the lead’s name and domain, then collecting the email addresses.
  • Adding email addresses for verification and collecting the verification results.

3.4 Add tags to filter and organize leads

You can add custom tags or labels to leads, making it easy to filter, move between lists, or export them. As leads move through campaigns, they get tagged automatically based on their status (e.g., replied, campaign completed, unsubscribed, etc).

3.5 Verify lists to reduce bounce rate

When you need to ensure the leads you upload have valid email contacts, use the built-in list verification. After verification, you can sort leads by their status in the top right corner.

learn’s verification is fast, accurate (uses 7-step validation), and can process sizable lists.

3.6 Import leads from CRMs

We offer native integrations with two of the most widely used CRMs in the industry—Pipedrive and HubSpot. You can connect your account with either of them to transfer your existing lead database to

Learn how to set up Pipedrive integration →

Learn how to set up Hubspot integration →

Part IV: How to create personalized automations that drive replies Campaigns → is our tool for personalized outreach automation. You can create and execute campaigns using a single channel (email) or a multichannel approach that combines email and LinkedIn actions, ensuring broader reach and higher response rates.


Create, launch and manage unlimited campaigns for each client in their team member account.

4.1 Launch campaigns for every purpose

Our automation can execute or campaign type.

–> One-time campaign

A campaign which completes itself automatically after the sequence for all recipients is finished.

–> Long-term campaigns

For strategies that require multiple follow-ups over an extended period, you can add an unlimited number of follow-ups to your sequence.

You can also schedule your campaigns to start and end at specific times, so you can plan them ahead for a certain date.

–> Perpetual or forever-active campaign

You can start a sequence and keep adding new leads to the recipient list  – they will be included in the campaign from the first step. You can also extend the sequence itself by adding more follow-ups or alternative flows.

4.2 Create multichannel sequences: add LinkedIn actions alongside emails 

In, you can launch outreach on email and LinkedIn channels. This adds flexibility to your lead generation as you can incorporate two channels in your sequence or use them separately based on your strategy for specific campaigns.


To automate lead engagement on LinkedIn, you can add profile visits, post likes, connection requests, and LinkedIn messages to the sequence.

Read how to set up multichannel campaigns in →

How to use’s LinkedIn Automation –>

4.3 Add conditions and alternative flows to your sequences 

In the sequence editor, you can create a flow to accommodate virtually any campaign scenario.


Build sequences with unlimited steps and multiple flows using the sequence editor.

They can include delays between steps, conditional triggers, and goals to close the sequence and segment leads based on their engagement throughout the sequence.

Using triggers, you can move the most engaged recipients to a different flow within the same sequence based on conditions. These conditions (actions) could include opening an email, clicking a link, accepting your LinkedIn connection request, or booking a meeting on Calendly.

Triggers allow you to send leads down a different email flow with content that is better personalized to their actions in the previous step of the sequence.

4.4 Add variability and dynamic personalization to your email content

We know that for a campaign to succeed, deliverability and personalization are key. That’s why we’ve added a few features to our email editor to help you get more replies and improve deliverability.

 –> Spintax

The main benefit of using spintax is avoiding spam filters. It helps send unique emails in bulk: you add multiple alternative words or phrases, and it randomly selects one of them for each recipient.


Using spintax, you’ll automatically send multiple variations of your email copy and reduce the chance that providers will flag you as a bulk sender.

Learn more about using Spintax for better deliverability →

–> Personalization variables

In campaigns, you can use your lead data to personalize emails in bulk automatically. This is done by inserting variables that correspond to prospect data fields.

These variables will be replaced with lead details or custom text specific to each recipient once the email is sent.

Read how to add variables →

–> Dynamic content

Dynamic variables automatically change the email content based on conditions you choose. The condition could be the recipient’s position or other information from their profile.


For every condition you choose for dynamic content, you can add a specific, personalized piece of text.

Learn how to personalize in bulk with dynamic content →

4.5 Manage email volumes and prioritize/schedule sending

With every campaign, you can configure the settings to have more control over how and when they are sent.


You can safely increase daily volumes with extra senders and distribute sending resources efficiently. Plus, you can decide which campaigns or leads (new or existing) get priority for using your account’s daily limits.

 Campaign aspect  Feature that helps you tackle it
Sending higher volumes without exceeding provider’s quotas Mailbox rotation:

When the capacity of one sender isn’t enough to contact all recipients, add extra senders to increase the total sending limit.

Learn more →

Sending prioritization High-priority vs. low-priority campaigns:

When using the same senders in multiple campaigns, allocate daily sending resources to the most important/urgent campaigns.

New leads vs. follow-ups priority:

Prioritize sending to match your strategy – either contact more new leads faster or complete the sequence for existing leads first.

Learn more →

Managing daily limits Daily campaign limit:

Set the maximum allowed volume for specific campaigns 

New recipients daily limit:

Set the maximum limit to email new leads within specific campaigns.

Learn more →

Sending campaigns at the right time Campaign schedule:

Schedule email delivery based on the time zone of the recipients on your list. To ensure the sending time is personalized across the entire list, all leads should be from the same location or time zone.

Create campaign schedules here →

Part V: How to monitor campaign statistics and review reports

On the Campaigns –> page, you’ll find a summary of all campaigns running for each client in their account. This summary includes key metrics and general campaign details for quick review.


You have the option to select which metrics to display here in the preview and hide irrelevant ones by enabling or disabling data columns.

5.1 Review statistics of specific campaigns

To delve deeper into the numbers, each campaign has its own Statistics dashboard, which you can access by clicking on the campaign from the list.


On the campaign’s Statistics tab, you can track all the important KPIs per channel (email and LinkedIn) and analyze metrics for email delivery and engagement.

You can pick a timeframe to check campaign stats: last week, last month, all time, or a custom date range. Plus, you get a detailed breakdown by sequence steps, so you can easily see which emails are getting the most engagement.

Read more on how to review campaign statistics –>

5.2 Review general campaign reports

The Reports –> page offers a comprehensive overview of key campaign metrics and performance indicators in a single convenient dashboard.

It allows you to easily review your overall outreach performance and use this data to create reports to showcase your results to clients.

The dashboard provides you with  access all main metrics and KPIs for all campaigns and every client account under your management.

To access the reports in your account, go to the Campaigns tab in the top menu. Then, choose Reports in the submenu that appears on the left.

5.3 Export statistic reports

After completing campaigns, you have the option to download a CSV file containing a basic statistics report for any selected time period.

This report offers a simple yet complete summary, including all engagement metrics, for all campaigns within the client account.

Part VI: How to integrate with other apps and create automations offers several ways to integrate with other software and create automations. See full integrations list here → 

6.1 Create automations through REST API’s main features are available through API endpoints, letting you automate various processes and tasks. You can use the API to manage recipients and access campaign data. 

Here are a few examples of what you can automate:

  • Change the status of a recipient in a specific campaign.
  • Get statistics for sent emails.
  • Get metrics for campaign replies.
  • Add contacts to the Do-not-email list.

See full list of API endpoints in the documentation →

6.2 Connect native integrations offers native direct integrations with the most widely used lead management software.

–> Pipedrive CRM

If you work with leads in Pipedrive, our native integration allows automatic syncing of prospect data. You can transfer prospects to Pipedrive for deal management or move Pipedrive contacts to for email campaigns.


This integration offers the option to configure automations (up to 24 scenarios) within the integration itself. You can automate routine tasks that consume your time and let the integration handle them.

For example, an activity in (like campaign prospect replies) can automatically trigger an action in Pipedrive (such as deal creation).

Learn how to connect Pipedrive integration and set up automations →

–> HubSpot CRM

If you use HubSpot for lead management, we offer a native integration with this CRM as well. You can set up real-time data syncing or transfer existing lead lists between both platforms.

Learn how to set up Hubspot integration →

–> Calendly

You can integrate with Calendly to add meeting links to your campaign emails.

This integration allows you to follow up with leads based on whether they have booked a meeting.

How to set up an integration with Calendly  →

6.3 Create automations with third-party apps via Zapier and Make is one of the apps featured on the Zapier → and Make →  platforms. 

We’ve developed several triggers and actions for custom no-code automations with dozens of other services. These automations work through webhooks, where an event in one app triggers an action in, or vice versa. trigger (what starts the automation) action (what follows the event in another app)
Campaign email opened Add email for verification
Campaign email sent Create/Update prospect
Campaign link clicked Search for email
Campaign prospect replied Update recipient’s status
New prospect added
Prospect completed campaign

Support and implementation

This wraps up the current version of the playbook. Thanks for sticking with us!


Need help with account setup or any features as you start working with You’ll receive all the guidance and advice you need from a dedicated Success Manager and priority support from our Customer Care team.

We’ll be there for you at every step to teach you how to use more efficiently and tailor the tools to your needs.

Don’t hesitate – just reach out at or via the live chat.

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